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Apollo wakes without warning, his eyes flung open to reveal each iris; a perfect orb of rusty chocolate.  After a second or two his head turns like some Halloween dummy, his mouth slackened and she saw the shock register on his face before he could hide it. "Are you okay? did something happen" he asked his voice sounded smooth, the baritone of his voice reverberating through Nyx's bones. The low rumble of his voice is comforting as it wraps around her and carries her off to a world where sound is the power that could change everything wrong in the world. 

she squeaks and then flushes lightly when he realizes that Apollo was waiting for an answer. "I'm fine my wolf wanted to come here so we snuck into your pack" A small smile played on his lips. 'My mate's a ninja' he thought to himself. The tension that had kept him up for hours straight melted into nothing as he sat up on the couch wearing nothing but his suit pants and a school boy smile that took Nyx's breath away.

 "Im glad then.. Im glad you came to me but Why are you alone out there, wheres your family... how long?" Nyx frowns at his constant flow of questions. "I'm sorry I know but if you won't answer those question yet at least tell me you didn't come here looking like that" he motioned to her nude and muddy body. "whats wrong" she asked puzzled. "Why are you not you wearing the shirt I gave you" 

"its troublesome, the mud works better".. she paused feeling nervous as Apollo stared at her muddied body maybe she should have worn clothes only problem she had none. As a wolf she was used to being naked or in her wolf she much preferred to be naked. With her mate looking directly at her body she felt self conscious.

 " I had to get here your shirt would rip or get dirtied"  Apollo gazed upon her perfect, naked form. There's a vulnerability in her eyes he couldn't resist. His eyes travel from her face to her collar bone, then to her breasts, each so perfect and moulded to her form. Apollo' eyes don't linger too long, just enough for her to see how beautiful she was to him. It's her eyes he wanted to see, his hands would tell him the rest.

 His eye's were drawn to her red curls that gently caressed its way down her neck, reaching to just below her bottom. If the gods are real, he told himself, then this woman is their masterpiece.

"I can always get another shirt I don't want you walking around like this, not in the pack house, not in the woods and..." he clears his  throat, "not in-front of me just yet, my self control when it comes to you is growing thin. put this on and follow me" Said Apollo garbbing his button down shirt and placing it over his mate.


she watched him intently and follows behind keeping her distance.

Apollo leads Nyx  to his bedroom and opens the door for her. Nyx pauses at the doorway, letting her eyes roam the room, she walks into the room as if the floor would give out under her tiny body mass. Every step is so light that she makes no sound at all. Apollo sees fear and uncertainty from her body language, but he also see her bravery. She is so afraid yet still she comes, walking softly forward.

 In Nyx's eyes the room was perfect but in it held a cold  tranquility. It gave away his rich bachelorhood lifestyle, Everything is functional and neatly in plcae. The soft jazz just audible as background noise somehow makes it even less personal, she felt as if she'd just stepped into a furniture store. There are no personal photographs like the place is staged for sale. Dispite that the overwleming smell of her mate made her knees week. She wanted desperately to want to sink into his bed and never move but she was afraid to sit in case she wrinkle the fabrics or stain her mate's belongings."Ill find you something better to wear, shower first" said Apollo directing her to the bathroom then walking over to his closet. 

The bathroom was as she'd expected, functional and bare of any frills or unnecessary comforts.  On the other hand the bath tub was the most confusing and aggravating thing she'd ever dealt with in her entire life. Why couldn't taking a shower be as simple as she'd done in the woods.

The shower turned on at the press of a button. Easy enough. 

once inside it has a panel with more than a hundred options for her to choose for regulating water temperature, pressure, soaps, shampoos, scents, oils, and bubble baths. After Spending 30 minuets trying to put the perfect pressure and temperature she had to spend another half hour doing the same to get her soap and oils. When She stepped out on the mat her heart almost leaped out of her chest when heaters turned on and started to blow her body dry. She grabbed a clean towel Apollo had brought to her while she was in the shower and finished drying  her hair. she then she got dressed in the clothes Apollo had picked out for her from his closet. 

When she finished Apollo had been  sitting at the edge of the bed waiting for her. " Do you want to sleep here with me or would you be more comfortable without me tonight" he asked shyly. "I  wasn't going to stay my wolf wanted to see you" she replied 

" what about you?" he replied disappointedly.

 "I don't know"

"I can't stand you being out there alone Nyx"

"Im  not alone"

"Stay tonight its too dark you can leave after you have breakfast" He said in a demanding tone "ill sit here until you fall asleep and then ill sleep on the couch" before she could refuse Apollo picked her up and put her into bed. He then positioned her under the silk blankets and tucked her in gently. no matter how hard she tried to fight it her body was far too comfortable and moment later she felt into a deep comfortable sleep.

He studied her as she slept. Her hair was slightly matted and splayed about the pillow her head sunk into. Her small frame was curled to one side as if in protection of itself and her full lips were slightly parted. What held his attention longest were her lashes. Long, thick, and dark. They weren't caked in that black paint other women brushed into them everyday that would clump their lashes together unnaturally. He wanted to kiss each one of her eyelids and feel those lovely lashes tickle his lips. He never wanted to see those lashes damp. Not ever again. 

Apollo drifted in and out of consciousness. The world was a blur, and random images seemed to float aimlessly around in the pool of his thoughts until a tap on his shoulder brought him back to the outside world. It was striker the last face he wanted to see. 

Apollo groaned at the fact that it would have been the first time he would wake up to his mate's beautiful face, an unforgettable memory wasted. "well good morning darling" said striker with a cheeky grin. "Why are you sleeping sitting up in the couch when you have the best bed in the pack hose". he continued "dude if your just going to watch the damn thing instead of sleeping in it donate it to a worthy cause.... me" he finished 

"My mate's sleeping don't wake her" said Apollo waking up out of the haze of sleep. 

"your mate? its empty... wait wait wait a moment you got her in your bed already" he chuckled "They don't call you Casanova for nothin" he finished

 "empty?" said Apollo standing up alarmed"

  Striker ignores Apollo's comment and continues on

"Yep. Anyways,  Butch came downstairs to check on breakfast mumbling how he was going to kill you if he finds you sleeping in the couch again after he went through all that trouble moving everything in here so I" he paused dragging out the "I"... "

"came up here cause you know... I'm your kind and concerned best friend, to wake you up  before Butch got the chance to find you, only to find out that the casanova himself got his mate in his bed.... so were is she" he finished twirling to face  the bed. Both of them now looking at the perfectly made bed and a folded white towel placed neatly at the end.


Progress... See you in the next one!
1453 words

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