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 Nyx stood watching the sunset across the field with Red at her side. Red was a young fox  she bonded with many years ago.  At the age of Eight  she couldn't contain her curiosity any longer about the outside world. She decided to stray from the Sulk and explore the woods herself. The eldest fox had restricted her to only ten miles from the pack for her safety.  While the older Foxes where hunting and preoccupied with the new littler Nyx snuck off outside of her boundaries only to be confronted by a bear. 

She screamed and immediately a young fox who had been following her jumped out of nowhere to protect her. His tail was hunched under his legs and she could tell was terrified.  At the time he was a little runt who thought he was as brave and tough as the fighters. That all dissolved When the bear stood on its two legs and towered over the two. Nyx quickly jumped into action. She quietly smiled to herself at the memory. 

Looking back she remembers swinging her arms like an octopus on a bad acid trip to get the bears attention away from Red.  Somehow they had escaped with only a few scrapes. Once they were sure they had gotten away they laughed and  ran home with the wind in their hair and no brains in their heads. Its really was the mischief that had bonded them so tight. She smiles to herself as she remembers a younger version of herself strolling through the meadow full of tulips with Red at her side. Or  on rainy mornings when the shower's silver puddles created an obstacle course that only the bravest of them could battle.

Red was now a large fox only an inch shorter than a werewolf. He had pointed ears and nose, and a thick bushy tail. He was beautiful. Nyx always liked to pay extra attention and groom his wild fur. Red never care much for her attention to detail but he never stopped her as it made her happy. She was relieved Apollo had agreed to allow him to stay with her. Looking out at the sunset Nyx realized she was already  half a mile away from the sulk. She resorted to twirling her thumbs and playing with her hair as her nerves kicked in.  She figured if her limbs were moving the anxiety was gone, or at least she could ignore it a while longer.

Once they reached the clearing Apollo ushered her to his car. It was a silver gray Mercedes. Nyx watches as Apollo pulls his seat belt on and start the car in one fluid motion. "Its a button to start?" asked Nyx puzzled. Apollo chuckled  and nodded his head yes.

"wow can I do it?" she asked shifting in her seat to face apollo and the Stearing wheel. Apollo pressed the button again turning the car off. Nyx then reaches over and presses the button, the monitors lit up only the engine didn't start. 

Apollo laughed "Sorry I didn't have my foot on the break, here try again" he said enjoying his mates confused expressions. Once again she reaches and press the Start button and this time the 6-liter engine sparked to life.

 When Nyx was last at the pack house it was a blur. It was certainly the  largest pack house she'd seen, though she only had a few memories of the pack she came from. This was larger  almost intimidatingly so. As she climbed out of the car the house took a more detailed form. There was  the pack house along with several smaller houses circling around it and off to the side. Every building was built tall and modern. Nyx was happy that even hough they had cleared a large area for  homes they still put the effort use the space wisely.  Apollo pointed out some buildings had floors for indoor nature walks with special lighting to allow the plants to grow. He also explained to Nyx that when the pack was first formed the older wolves believed they should not consume the land with their homes. They felt nature would then have nowhere to thrive. When he became Alpha he wanted to keep that belief and built carefully to conserve the land and preserve its habitats. All packs are different and some do not care for the way they build as each pack has a different way of living and their own rules or values.However, there is one that rules over us and he is the True Alpha or Royal.

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