A search for the Pirate Captain

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I woke up finally with a headache in the Port Royal Prison.

"Carina! Are you alright?" I hear someone say. I was suddenly lifted up by two strong arms. I knew it was my husband. I sat on Will's lap trying to remember what happened last night. I rubbed my head. Will took my arm and stopped me.

"Allow me. You won't be able to move for a while." Will whispers into my ear rubbing the spot on my head that ached. I leaned back into his chest as he cradled me in his arms.

"What happened? About last night?" I ask in a raspy voice.

"Beckett. He injected a poison into you. He tried to kill you. I won't let anyone kill you." I could sense the hatred in his voice when he spoke. There was a pause between us for a moment before he spoke again.

"Do you love him?" He asks suddenly. My eyes harden, confused why he asked.

"No! I don't even remember who he is. What makes you say that?" I ask. What happened?

"Beckett proposed to you. He says he could spare your life if you married him and left me. He kissed you and injected the poison into your side." A man kissed me and proposed to me. Outrageous!

"No! I will never love anyone but you. I promised when we got married that I would love you forever and always. And I am not going to become some idiot's wife who poisoned me and try to kill me!" I say. I was feeling dizzy again, so I stopped talking.

"I love you, Will." I say softly. He presses his lips to my forehead.

"And I you." I look at him and he looks at me.

"Forever and always." We repeat in unison. We laugh softly. I closed my eyes and let Will's heart beat draw me into a deep sleep.


I awoke again when the prison door opens.

"Lord Beckett would like to speak to you. Both of you." I flinch. I haven't stood up in two days. Will got up and helped me get up. I took a few steps and nearly stumbled. Will was quick to help me. There was a sharp pain that went through my side. The guard slap the shackles on my wrists forcefully.

"Hey! Watch where you are slapping!" I yell. The man had no emotions at all and led me and Will out the door. I watched the people look at us with sorrow and disgust in their eyes. I looked down and just kept on walking. Finally, we arrived at Beckett's office. He turns around stares deep in my eyes. I glare at him.

"Those won't be needed." Beckett motions towards our manacles. The guard unclasps them and walks away. I rub my wrist because they were so numb. Will takes my hand and squeezes it slightly, giving me comfort at the warmth of it.

"The East India Trading Company has need of your services." Beckett hands me and drink and I slap it down, thinking it was poison. The glass shatters across the floor and the liquid spewing everywhere. Beckett doesn't move and continues to talk.

"We wish for you to act as our agent in a business transaction with our mutual friend-Captain Sparrow."

"More acquaintance than friend. How do you know him." Will asks, still gripping my hand.

"We've had dealings in the past." Beckett picks up a red-hot "P" Brand.

"And we've each left our mark on the other." Beckett recoils placing the brand back down.

"What mark did he leave on you?" I ask. Beckett ignores me and continues to talk.

"By your efforts, Jack Sparrow was set free. I would like you to go to him and recover a certain property in his possession."

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