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Things are about to get real ugly for Carina and Will when Elizabeth is thrown into the mix! You've been waiting for it! -Anaya

I swam faster seeing that Will already made it to shore knowing that we were safe from that awful monster who tried to kill us. I panted and laid down on the sand, enjoying the sun's heat.

"With good reason!" Will yells. Elizabeth's head turns and breathes a sigh of relief at the sight of us.

"Will. Carina!" Elizabeth attacks Will in a hug.

"I came to find you!" I smile and run to them but I stop dead in my tracks, my heart sinking at the sight I didn't want to see. Will took the first initiative and kissed Elizabeth. Tears pulled into my eyes as I watched with hatred and anger.

"So this is the secret you kept from me?" My voice questions, causing the two to break the kiss. Will looked at me with sadness and regret in his eyes as Elizabeth did the same.

"I thought you loved me!" I yelled loudly.

"I do!" Will yelled back grabbing my hands. I yank them out and my gaze catches my ring. I yank it off and drop it in Will's hand.

"And I thought I loved you." Then I turned to Elizabeth. "And I thought you were my friend." I turn around and sprint in the other direction, the scene replaying in my mind over and over again. Tears sprung into my eyes and I let them fall. I let them fall because I ruined. Will ruined me. Eventually, I lost my breath and sat down on the sand.

"Carina!" I heard Elizabeth's voice calling. She pants as she sits down on the sand with me. I turn away.

"What do you want?" I growled. She flinches but sighs slowly.

"Ok, here's the thing," She starts. I turn around with a glare plastered to my face but listen intently.

"Me and Will had a relationship before you got married to him. I really did love him and I felt like it should have I should have been his. But he decided to marry you, and that broke my heart. I never actually loved Norrington, I just said that to make you happy." My jaw drops at the news. I get up and slap her across the cheek, causing her to wince and rub her sore cheek.

"How could you?! You were the one person I trusted and you betrayed me by flirting with my husband?!" I yelled as tears poured down my face. Elizabeth remained motionless while my eyes burned with tears.

"You know what? He's yours..." I say trying to sound confident. Tears poured down my face as did Elizabeth's. "He's yours..." I say once more.

"Carina, I didn't mean..."

"But you did. My best friend saying these things to me, did mean something."

"Take what you can. And give nothing back." I say in a small voice. I get up and bump her shoulder really hard as I walk past her. My walk turns to a sprint as I wiped the dratted tears from my face. The men were standing there, like they were waiting for us. I glared deeply at the three men and took out the key. Jack's eyes widened as his positioned changed. I saw the chest on the ground and kneeled down to the chest.

"Oi, what are you doing dear sister?" I glare back up at my scoundrel of a brother.

"I'm gonna kill Jones." I say grabbing the knife from Will's hand. I heard Jack's sword unsheathe and he pointed it at me. Will grabbed his sword and pointed it at Jack, trying to protect me.

"Can't let you do that, Carina. 'Cause if Jones is dead, who's to call his terrible beastie off the hunt, eh?"

I am relented and stand up, key still in hand.

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