The Cannibal Escape

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I woke up with a groan. The sun blinding my eyes. It took me a few moments to realize where I was. I was tied to a bamboo stick like a meat on a roasting stick. I saw Will stuck in the same manner. I see someone I never thought I'd see.

"Jack? Jack Sparrow. I can honestly say I am glad to see you." Will says happily. Jack rises from his throne. He had eyes on top of his eye lids. He had paint all over his face and wore a weird crown. He comes over to me and pokes me in the shoulder.

"Jack! It's us! Will and Carina!" I say, but he just moves on to the people.

"Pah se ko?" He asks. I had a look of confusion on my face. What was he doing?

"Teen dada, eeseetis." A cannibal explained.

"Eeseetis." Everyone agrees.

"Tell them to let us down!" Will reasons.

"Kele lam. Nom piki, nom minsi winsi." He is crazy. He walks over to Will and mimes scissors.

"Lam seisei, eunichi. Snip snip."

"Ahh, eunichi!" The crowd says understandingly. Will spots the compass and lightens up.

"Jack, the compass, it's all I need. Carina is in danger! We were arrested for trying to help you! She faces the gallows!" Jack pauses for a second and then casually strolls back the cannibals.

"Seiserom shup shup sha smame mame shaku, savvy? Maliki liki" He says waving us away.

"Maliki!" The cannibals shout taking us away.

"Boom-shouko! Boom shouko!" The cannibals shout as they take us away.

"Save me!" He whispers.

"Jack, what did you tell them? What about Carina? Jaaack!" Will shouts as the cannibals take us over the bridge.


The cannibals untied me and Will from the sticks and throw us into a cage with the rest of the crew.

"Gibbs!" I shout in relief.

"Carina! How on the blazes did you find us?" He questioned.

"Long story short, I am here to retrieve Jack's compass to save our lives." He nods understandingly as the cannibals lowered the cage above a 100 foot chasm.

"Why would he do this to us? If Jack is their chief..." Will questioned Gibbs.

"Aye. The Pelegostos have made Jack their chief. But he only remains chief as long as he acts like a chief." Gibbs corrects.

"So he had no choice. He's a captive there as much as the rest of us." Will confirms.

"Worse, as it turns out. You see, the Pelegostos believe that Jack is a god in human form. And they intend to do 'im the honor of releasing him from his fleshy prison." Cotton grabs Gibbs hand and bites it. I stifle a giggle.

"They'll roast him and eat him."

"Where's the rest of the crew?" I ask.

"These cages we're in weren't built 'till after we got here." I snatch my hand away in alarm. They were bones. Human bones.

"The feast is about to begin. Jack's life will end... when the drums stop." I hear faint drums in the distant.

"Well, we can't just sit here and wait then, can we?" Will asks. I smile, catching onto what he was thinking.

"We'll swing over to the other side and grab onto the vines and start to climb up." We signal the other cage to do the same. We swing the first time but were unsuccessful. The second time we managed to grasp some vines, but they were loose. At last, we grabbed the strongest vines and started to climb.

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