A Journey to At World's End

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I gripped my legs harder as we sailed towards Tia Dalma's. My eyes burned from the tears. My heart aching at the sight I didn't think I would. Elizabeth betraying me twice. I sat by the table throwing Will's knife into the table, trying to conceal my feelings. Elizabeth sat there, tears pouring down her face. Tia Dalma came in shortly afterwards with a tray and some mugs.

"Against the cold. And a sorrow." Tia says to Elizabeth who still looks haunted. She walks over to me and Will.

"It's a shame. I know you're thinking that with the Pearl, you could've saved everyone and free your father's soul." She says to us.

"Doesn't matter now. The Pearl's gone... along with its Captain." I say thudding the knife once more into the wood. 

"Aye. And already the world seems a bit less bright. He fooled us all, right to the end. But I guess that honest streak finally won out. To Jack Sparrow!" Gibbs says raising his mug.

"Never another like Captain Jack." Ragetti says sadly.

"He was a gentleman of fortune, he was." Pintel says. 

"He was a good man." Elizabeth muttered. I take a small sip of the liquid and save the rest for later. 

"If there was anything to be done to bring him back, Elizabeth..." I say getting up.

"Would you do it? Hmm?" She says to me and Will. The she turns to Elizabeth 

"What would you? Hmm? What would any of you be Willing to do? Hmm? Will you sail to the ends of the earth and beyond to fetch back witty Jack and his precious Pearl?" 

"Aye." Gibbs says. 

"Aye." Pintel says.

"Aye." Ragetti says. 

"Awk! Aye." Cotton's parrot says.

Elizabeth nods. "Yes."

Will and I nod as well; softly, "Aye." 

"All right, but if you're going to brave the weird and haunted shores at world's end... then, you Will need a Captain who knows those waters." Tia Dalma says turning. I hear footsteps slowly descend down the steps. 

"So, tell me, what's become of my ship?" Barbossa says, Jack the monkey jumps on his shoulder as he bites into his apple. I turn to the rest of the crew. We will find Jack. No matter how hard the journey.

AAAAANNNDDD..... IT IS DONE!!!! The next book will be called, "Rage in her blood." and it will be up soon! -Anaya Joshi.

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