Fucked Up

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"I can't believe he did that," you swallowed the lump in your throat. The car descended in the setting sun, Sebastian held his arm around you. This was too much for you, everything was just a mess, an overwhelming mess.

You didn't want to cry, but sniffles began escaping your mouth. They got louder as you attempted to cover them. Sebastian embraced you in a comforting hug, "Let's go inside." He opened the door for you and guided you to your room. "I'll go check on the twins while you get yourself comfortable," he kissed your forehead.

He went outside where everyone was waiting in a not so delightful mood. "What happened?" Robert asked. "Ben is staying a night in jail, he'll be fine. Where are the twins?" Sebastian enquired. Scarlett pointed to the lake, the two brothers were sitting at the edge of the lake with their sister in the middle.

Your mom and dad sat next to Heidi watching the kids and carrying Christopher for her as she secretly cried her eyes out. "The twins are fine. I'll go with Heidi, you go with Y/n," Scarlett told Sebastian. He nodded once and proceeded to go inside.

You were just coming out of the bathroom. He was there in time to guide you to your bed. "The twins are being strong, they're with their sister. Your parents are taking care of them. Go ahead and rest," he caressed your hair as you laid down.

He saw your droopy eyes, once more he kissed your cheek. Sebastian wanted to give you space and let time help you cope with the situation. You grabbed onto his arm feeling the weight on the mattress lessen. "Please stay," you were able to croak out. He gently smiled and took off his shoes. Sebastian placed his figure beside you, spooning you from the back.


"Wakey, Wakey, Mr. Cumberbatch," a baton was slammed on the bars and the officer's booming voice rang through the cell. Ben woke up in a daze, he got up from the metal bed provided for him.

"Your time is over. Proceed to the exit and you may collect your possessions," the officer informed. "Where am I?" His groggy voice rumbled. "You'll see once you get out," the officer said. Ben stood on his feet regretting the moment. The side of his head began pounding and a wave of nausea washed over him.

He kept everything in his stomach and walked outside of the cell. The sunlight burned all his senses. He flinched and covered the light from his eyes. "Is there anyone here to pick me up?" He questioned as he recognized the police station. "Nope," a lady said in a monotone.

Ben stumbled outside to the clogged streets, he still felt sick. All the memories from last night raced back to him, making him feel shittier than he already felt. "Fuck," he breathed out to himself. Ben called down a cab and told them your address. The first thing he thought about was his wife.


"Come on Angela, we have to leave," Heidi called for her daughter. "I don't want to mummy, I want to stay with my brothers," her tender voice said. Each twin was by her side holding her in a hug. "You'll get to spend more time with them," you reassured her. She looked to you then her mother. Her final goodbyes were a mix of her voice and whimpers.

The twins somberly let go of her. Angela entered the cab, Heidi was about to enter but another black car began approaching them. Ben didn't wait until the car came to a halt, he leaped out of it trying to get to Heidi. The twins ran to the house from the view of their father, Sebastian took you inside.

"Heidi, please wait," he stumbled over his own feet but continued to make his way to his wife. Her eyes became teary, she shook her head no. Ben was there in time to stop her door from closing, "Please, Heidi can we talk?"

She attempted to avoid eye contact with him, her throat was closing on her. "I'm a fuck up, please Heidi," he begged. She bit the inner corner of her lip and exited the cab. "Ben... I–"

"Heidi, it's me who should be talking, I messed up. It's my fault, I'm so sorry. I don't know what got into me, I-I I fucked up. I didn't mean all the senseless things I said. You're my wife, you make me happy. You really do, I love you," Ben was on his knees holding his wife by the hips.

She looked down at him with crimson eyes, "Ben, I think it's best for us to be apart for a while. After yesterday, I can't... help to imagine how all these nights you've spent them with me thinking about Y/n. I'm taking Angela and Kit with me to my parent's house for a temporary time. I need time to think."

"No Heidi, please. I love you," he let out a gross sob, Ben hugged her by the waist. Heidi began to cry with him, she wasn't going to become weak, not now. She made her decision on being apart for a while now she has to follow her own words.

Heidi pulled Ben off of her and went back inside, telling the cabbie to take them to the airport. Ben whimpered on the dirt outside of the house. Tom went to his side and picked him up, "Mate, I'm sorry."

Ben was on all fours, sobbing towards the crowd. Tom had to crouch down. "I don't know what to do anymore," Ben grossly repeated.


After a few days, everyone was back on set. You evacuated the house promptly after the treacherous incident. The twins didn't comprehend to the full extent how they had another sister but they understood enough to know it was a common thing to happen.

Before you left, you explained to them how they wouldn't be able to see their father for quite some time. They wrapped their arms around you to show they understood. As always, it was difficult to say goodbye, but there are only a short amount of months left for filming to finally be over.

Once again you set your bags in your solitary trailer. It was compacted with a few things you had left behind. It almost seemed you have spent ages away from that place.

A small knock interrupted your thoughts, Sebastian cautiously entered the trailer. "How are you feeling?" Was the first thing he said. You shrugged, "I really don't know. I believe I'm ok but then a memory comes back to me and I get the sudden urge to punch something."

Sebastian went to your side and kissed your forehead, "It'll be okay. You should rest, it's been an exhausting week." You held onto his waist as he adoringly caressed your hair.

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