The Zoo

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"Does everyone have their hats and glasses?" You assured before locking your home door. The three boys showed their thumbs up. All four of you went to your black SUV parked outside. Ben drove to a very familiar place.

"Daddy!" Angela ran to her father's embrace. "I missed you so much honey," Ben picked her up. "I missed you too. Are James and Angelo going with us?" She enquired. He nodded his head. You got out of the SUV and went to the door where Heidi stood with the baby trolley and Christopher.

"Hey," you walked past Ben to his ex-wife. She cheerfully greeted you. "Hey there," you caressed Christopher's hair. "Big date tonight?" You smiled and grabbed onto Christopher. Heidi began to blush, "Yes, I think it's about time I start to."

"Oh hell yes! Who's the lucky one?" You exclaimed enthusiastically; she told you all about her date. Ben sat Angela with one of her brothers. He went to the door to get the trolley. "It was nice talking to you again. Good luck tonight," you winked at her while carrying Christoper. Ben stopped to speak for a few seconds with Heidi.

"She doesn't know, does she?" Heidi asked once you were out of sight. Ben shook his head, "She's with Sebastian. I destroyed our marriage, I can't ruin another relationship." She rubbed his back in a warm embrace, "Sometimes we've got to destroy a few things to build something new."

Ben departed from the hug and smiled at Heidi. You were waiting for Ben to take the trolley and head out to the zoo.


"Mummy look at the lion!" James pointed at the wild cat. "Daddy look at it's hair!" Angela observed the lion's hair. "He has big paws," Angelo chimed in. Christopher made a gurgling sound as he saw the yellow cat walking around. The four kids were in awe.

"Can we go to the giraffes next?" Angela asked you. "Of course we can," you smiled down at her. Ben placed Angela on top of his shoulders, James and Angelo grabbed onto his hands while you rolled Christopher along.

"I can see them all the way from here," Angela excitedly said. James began to jump from excitement. Ben was elicited with euphoria, he was spending the day with his four kids at the zoo.

Once they went with the giraffes Angelo wanted to see the zebras. It was his turn as well to go on Ben's shoulders and the rest grab onto Ben's hands. James proposed to see the Polar bears; he went on Ben's shoulders. Once staying a while with the white bear you turned to Christoper.

"And what do you want to see?" You lightly tickled his stomach and cooed. He began to laugh, it was the most beautiful thing Ben has seen. "Kit says he's hungry, I think it's time for us to eat," you directed to the small children.

"There's a.. really nice restaurant.. somewhere here," Ben was having difficulty trying to form his sentences because his mind wandered back to the previous scene. "Great," you smiled and continued to pay attention to Christopher. "Daddy," one of the twins whispered and pulled at his hand so he could begin walking.

In just a few short minutes you and the rest of the kids were sitting at the restaurant. Everyone ordered a club sandwich, of course, the twins and Angela would share while you and Ben had your own plates. For a few minutes, Ben carried Kit on his lap then Kit would sit on yours. You kept making faces causing Kit to laugh and touch your face.

Ben could've sworn you wanted another baby but opted not to mention anything and make the environment awkward. The table shared waves of laughter as the kids began to calmly play. In the middle of those chuckles, you could notice a few flashes from the corner of your eyes.

Ben noticed it too and walked to the culprit. It wasn't any paparazzi, it was fans. "I'm so sorry, but could you please not take pictures of my family and me? We're just trying to spend a wonderful day at the zoo just like everyone else. I'd really appreciate it, if you'd like a quick picture that's fine, but please, I'd hate for my kids to become uncomfortable," Benedict said with a surprisingly calm voice.

The fans rapidly agreed and took a few quick pics with Ben before he joined you at the table again. You held his hand as you noticed the tension of his muscles. He sheepishly smiled at you and began to eat again.


While Sebastian Stan is out town filming for his upcoming movie, Y/n L/n is hitting it off great with her ex-boyfriend Benedict Cumberbatch.

Sources today spotted them at the London Zoo enjoying their day. Ben might have gotten frustrated due to the fact he asked our sources to, and I quote, not take pictures of his family and him. Family? Is he insinuating that Y/n and he are back together or is he hallucinating? The picture of them holding is hand is indeed not photoshopped. Believe what you want, but we're sticking with the idea of them banging by now.

"This article is ridiculous," you stated through the phone. "It was kind of funny. I especially enjoyed the new pictures of you with a mouthful of.. bread?" Sebastian said through the line. "Oh shut up," you chuckled along with him. The line went quiet for a while until Seb spoke again, "I miss you so much."

You sighed, "I miss you too." Sebastian cleared his throat and some shuffling was heard, "I have to go. Always remember that I love you." You rushed your hand through your hair, ".. I love you too." You barely said audibly. Sebastian sent you a kiss through the phone and the line ended.

A knock at your bedroom door was soon heard. "Come in," you said getting under the covers. "Sorry, am I interrupting something?" Ben didn't want to intrude. "No," you sweetly smiled. He went to your bed and sat down, "Thank you for this day. It was marvelous. Especially for letting Angela and Kit to stay the night here."

You yawned, "I really enjoyed today. It's my pleasure to have them stay here. They're wonderful kids and they are related to our twins so I see no problem." Ben smiled like a kid when he heard you say our twins. He caressed your hair then kissed your temple; you were already dosing off to sleep.

You mumbled something incoherent. "Goodnight," his baritone voice almost whispered not wanting to interrupt your peaceful moment. He shut off your nightstand light as well as your room light and closed the door behind him.

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