Making Amends

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Oh my god, would you look at them," Ellen DeGeneres said as she saw the twins. "How are you?" She greeted you with a hug. "Exhilarated to be here," you smiled at her. The twins hid behind your legs. "James, Angelo, this is Ellen. She's a very nice friend of mine," you introduced your kids to Ellen.

At the mention of a 'nice friend,' they became comfortable around her. She crouched down and received them in a hug. They giggled when Ellen ruffled their hair, "Do you want to hear a secret?" They looked towards each other and nodded, Ellen whispered something to them; it was inaudible for you.

James and Angelo giggled up a storm and then looked towards you. "What did Ellen say?" You enquired. James covered his mouth, "It's a secret." You playfully knitted your brows and walked into your dressing room.

"Mummy Ellen says there are elephant shaped soaps in the loo," James said. "Ellen said not to tell her," Angelo complained. You chuckled and walked towards the bathroom. The door was open so you opted to just walk straight forward.

Entering the restroom, your gaze examined the sink trying to search for the elephant-shaped soap. You instead were greeted by a crouched man on the corner of the bathroom, "Boo!" You were scared out of your limbs, "AHH!!"

The twins and Ellen couldn't stop laughing in the back. Sebastian hugged your legs, he couldn't contain the tears of laughter. You stood with your hands over your heart, shaking a bit from the scare you got.

Cameras soon came to view. "I'm sorry," Sebastian got up while laughing. "Oh my God," you breathed out. The twins hi-fived Ellen. You turned to them, "Was this the secret she told you?" They nodded proudly; you chuckled.

"And you," your fingering was sternly pointed at Sebastian. "You scared the fu..," you stopped yourself from saying the word and instead slapped your boyfriend on the arm. He laughed and embraced you in a hug.

"Good to see you too baby," he firmly kissed your lips. You hummed and closed the bathroom door. "You know we have a working camera in that bathroom," Ellen informed. You and Sebastian flipped it off and continued kissing.


"You two are the most handsome, wow look at you two," you said patting down their curls. They looked in the mirror and checked out their outfit for the evening. Seb, the twins and you had just gotten enough time to grab a quick bite of lunch and go back to your hotel room to get ready for your next big interview.

Everyone was in the black Suburban again; your destination was Hollywood Boulevard. The vehicle stopped in front of Jimmy Kimmel's studio. Sebastian was the first one out then it was the twins. A few guards were there to escort the four of you in.

Once inside, you all went to a shared room. "Just like Ellen, you'll be seated in front of the audience again. Is that alright or do you want to stay here?" You asked your kids. "We want to be in the audience," James said while Angelo agreed with his brother. You kissed their head, "Let's get you two on your way then, the show is about to start."

The twins were seated at the front even though regulations say they have to be 18 years or older. They had a special place in Jimmy's heart plus they were special guests. The show began and it wasn't until later on you and the rest of the cast would enter the stage.

After the third commercial was when you were finally being introduced, "Now ladies and gentleman, please welcome our various special guests. From academy award winning and nominees, starting in the upcoming Avengers: Infinity War, please welcome Y/n L/n, Sebastian Stan, Robert Downey Jr., Scarlett Johansson, Mark Ruffalo, Chris Hemsworth, Chris Evans, Jeremy Renner, and Benedict Cumberbatch."

The whole cast entered one by one as the names were being called. You were the first one so you sat closest to Jimmy. He greets everyone with a quick hug. "That was a mouthful," Jimmy chuckled as he seated himself again; the audience laughed.

"Thank you, everyone, for making it today," Jimmy smiled at everyone. The cast responded simultaneously. "Ok one at a time. Let's start with you Robert since you are the presumed leader of the clan."

"Obviously not anymore," Robert pointed towards you, "She's now the almighty leader." Sebastian put a hand over your shoulder, "Yes she is." You giggled and shook your head. Jimmy made an ongoing conversation grow between everyone. He asked about the upcoming movie and did his interview questions.

The cast listened attentively to their mates as they spoke and answered questions about the movie without giving any spoilers away. Both Chris', Jermey, Mark, and Ben sat behind you, Seb, Scarlett, and RDJ. Ben was the farthest away from you since he was seated at the corner as you were.

Throughout the whole interview, Sebastian had his arm over your shoulder and never failed to make you giggle. Ben would often gaze in your direction and turn somber with the sight. At moments he would feel his jealousy resurfacing.

"Y/n, there's this rumor going on about you and Ben," Jimmy quickly turned to Sebastian, "No, that sounded wrong. It's not about you two being together, it's quite the opposite." You acted surprised. "There's a scandal about you and Ben. People say you two are in a huge fight after the twins' birthday and something along the lines of not standing each other."

You were in a crisis; you weren't sure what do to. Right now was the moment for you to either tell the truth or begin to heal the wounds. You made your decision in a second. "That's ridiculous," you replied while turning around and stretching out your hand towards Ben.

The cast was surprised at your action but hid their reaction from the audience. Ben smoothly grabbed your hand and timidly smiled. "We're fine," you said while holding his hand and then turning to look at Jimmy.

The twins were in the audience, they did an excellent job covering up their excitement. You let go of his hand and shifted back into your position.

In a few quick minutes, Jimmy gradually began to wrap up the show. The twins ran from their spot to where you were and hugged you tightly as well as the other cast members. They were especially enlightened when they got to hug their dad again after several months.

Everybody retreated to their room to change into more comfortable clothes to go out and eat at a nearby pub. Ben entered his room with mixed feelings. He wasn't completely sure if you were telling the truth or instead were covering up another lie. His train of thoughts was interrupted with a knock at the door.

He wasn't expecting you to be there, especially with tears in your eyes. There you stood, speechless for the first time; feeling guilty. No words were exchanged, you promptly embraced him in a hug. He received you with open arms and a broken heart. You cried into his suit as he quietly wept into your hair.

Ben had closed the door; you and he stood in that position for a while. "I'm so sorry," you croaked out, "I wasn't there for you during the divorce. I wanted to call but I never built up the courage to actually do it." He breathed in your scent, "It's alright."

"No it's not," you broke the hug but still held onto him, "I was being such a bitch towards you. I held onto a grudge that should've ended months ago." He kissed your forehead, "You had the right to do so."

More tears streamed down your cheek, "No Ben. I really didn't. You went through so much shit–" "–that I caused myself and hurt the people I loved. It's my fault everything became fucked up." You couldn't stand the idea of him blaming himself for all the downfalls that have happened between you and him.

He took you to the futon he had in his room and sat there with you. His hugs were the only thing keeping you sane at the moment. You kept repeating how sorry you were. Eventually, the both of you were calm enough to talk it out. It was impossible to talk about everything; it was continued at the pub.

Ben wiped another stray tear from your cheek, "It pains me to see you cry, please, no more." All the feelings were poured on the table; everything was now cleared between you and him. You grabbed onto his hand and felt the slightest tingling sensation, it almost went unnoticeable.

You made nothing of it since your twins arrived at that exact moment. "Mummy, can we sleep with daddy today?" You looked at the three of them and saw how much your boys resembled their father, "Ask him."

They turned to him. He embraced them in a hug, "Of course you can."

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