2 - Coffee and Glass Doors

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Niall was right, Harry was very easy to get along with. And though they hadn't spent alot of time together, Louis felt it was pretty safe to say that they all liked him, just as Niall promised. Currently, they were sharing funny anecdotes from each of their classes, some from back home, and so on.

Harry, who was sitting less than an arm's length away from Louis, laughed loudly enough that Louis was momentarily startled when Zayn made a funny joke. Not outwardly, but Louis did turn his head on instinct toward the loud sound.

Something Louis noticed, however, in the two hours Harry had been in his room was that the effortless way that Niall carried himself was not shared by his roommate.

It was like Harry was always thinking — trying to figure out if he should say something or do something — Louis could relate to that, especially during his freshman year of University. But while Louis often decided to sit back and watch, Harry's mental scrambling ended with him standing up to demonstrate the strange way he saw some guy hit a volleyball or a loud exclamation at one of Niall's stories before he shrunk back again on himself.

There was also an air of anxiousness that Louis had picked up on from Harry, but that didn't seem to stop him from enjoying himself.

When he didn't appear to be frantically thinking about what to do next, he was listening intensely to the conversations going on around him with interest and focus, grinning widely or laughing loudly when he was amused, clapping his hands in delight.

All in all, the new addition to their small group was a bit erratic and overwhelming for Louis, but there was also something endearing about the green-eyes boy.

Despite his initial hesitance to bring any new people into their group, Louis wouldn't mind hanging out with him again. And based on how much fun Liam, Niall and Zayn seemed to be having, Louis had a feeling that it wouldn't be the last time the curly-haired boy would be invited.

"So, Harry you're in Zayn's English class, right?" Liam asked after the laughter had died down, referring to the girl in Zayn's English class. A girl who Zayn had a major crush on, by the looks of it, his face turning pink.

Not only did he share a room with Niall, but the taller boy also shared a class with Zayn. Wonderful.

Harry's wide eyes when everyone turned to him had Louis thinking that he was surprised to be brought into this conversation. Or, maybe that was just how he always looked when his eyes weren't creased from laughing. Louis shrugged, taking another swig of his drink as Harry nodded slowly.

"Then, you must know the girl that has stolen our little Zayn's heart," Liam asked, leaning forward and smiling conspicuously. "Is she everything Zayn says she is?"

Louis felt himself chuckling along, his unease from having to socialize with new people finally starting to drop away.

"Fuck off, Liam," Zayn mumbled, grabbing the back of his neck in embarrassment, but no one besides Louis heard, all the attention was now on Harry.

"I don't know her that well," Harry told to the expectant faces. "But, she's a great writer."

"No one here cares about that," Niall cut in, and Harry cackled next to Louis. "Is she h—"

"Is she one of God's most beautiful and exquisite creatures?" Louis interrupted, mocking Zayn, even though he'd never used that particular phrasing when talking about the girl. Not that Louis could remember, anyway.

Face red, Harry caught his bottom lip between his teeth, thinking of what to answer. "I'm probably not the best person to ask," he said, seeming pleased when Louis cackled. "I usually don't look at the girls, so I wouldn't know."

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