32 - Just Love

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"Louis?" Maia had called through a yawn as she kicked at the door. "Louis! Come on!"

The yell was punctuated by a thud on the lower half of his door that shook it on its hinges. She'd knocked on Louis' door several times but received no answer, so she'd finally resorted to hitting on his door with her boot. The black marks from the soles of her combat boots on the bottom of Louis' door were testimony to the fact that Maia needed to utilize her backpack more and actually put things in it.

"Louis?" She called through the wood but still heard nothing in reply.

"Hold on!" He yelled back, sounding as annoyed as he could, though considering this same routine would happen twice a week. He was surprised there wasn't the indent of her boots on the bottom of his door by then.

"Why aren't you ready?" Maia complained through the door, boot thumping against the door.

"For fuck's sake," Louis grunted, pulling the door open and shrugging on his backpack. "I'm here. Happy?"

The girl smiled, arms full of books, leaving only her feet free for knocking. "Yep," she grinned, refusing to match Louis' mood.

"We're not even leaving late," Louis remarked, rolling his eyes and locking the door behind himself.

"Still," she argued, nudging at Louis' side. "We've got our final rehearsal in forty minutes."

Grumbling some more, Louis followed her down the hall and out of the building, though he wasn't half as annoyed as he was acting. They were both exhausted from cramming for finals and binging on snack foods in order to avoid leaving their room or the library. Still, she at least had the motivating mindset that she could sleep all she wanted once this week was over.

As the pair left their dorm building, the sun streamed into Louis' eyes and he hissed as he held up his hands to cover his eyes from the sun.

"Go away, Satan!" He shouted to the sky. "The power of Christ compels you! The power of Christ compels you!"

Maia suddenly shrieked and pretended to gag and choke. "My skin!" She gasped. "I'm melting!"

She dramatically dropped onto Louis' and writhed around while Louis chuckled, but then she rose to her feet again, propped her hands on her hips, and pinned Louis with a deadpan stare.

"Damn," she said. "We're still here."

Louis groaned and sat up. He rubbed at his eyes and yawned. "I hate morning classes."

"Me too, mate," Maia agreed around a yawn spawned by Louis'. "But I hate waking you up even more."

"I know," Louis grumbled. "I'm an asshole when I'm tired, can't help it."

"You must always be tired, then," Maia chuckled, dodging a punch from Louis. "You know what you need?"

"Seven energy drinks and a box of chicken nuggets?" He grunted, sounding as annoyed as he could, though considering this same routine happened one time before, he was more than used to it.

"That too," she prompted, shaking her head to get her hair out of her face. "But I was going to say that you need to get laid."

"Oh God, I'd kill to be able to do that right now."

"I'm sure you would," Maia laughed, passing a hand through her hair. "But then you'd be missing class."

"Totally worth it," Louis said, pushing his tangled hair away from his face. "I haven't seen him in a week because of his job and studying. Just a few more days until classes are over. Two more until our performance, and then I'll gt to see him."

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