4 - Revelations

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Louis slipped on his shoes and took one last glance in the large full-length mirror that hung at the back of his door. He wore a simple white shirt, and dark skinny jeans that clung to his legs and accentuated his toned calves.

He nodded in satisfaction at his reflection, before shrugging on his denim jacket and retrieving his phone and wallet.

He checked the messages again, a grin stamping itself on his face. During lunch time, Harry had came up with dare for Liam and had shared it with the others in hesitation. His voice had been hesitant, but the mischievous glint in his eyes gave him away. It hadn't taken much time for the others to take Harry up on his suggestion of a dare.

[13: 05 - Louis] Don't forget the costume when we go to the party. That's the key ingredient of your master plan.

Not even a minute later, his phone had chimed, alerting Louis of a new text messages.

[13: 06 - Harry] I wont :)
[13: 06 - Harry] I wouldn't call it a master plan, though, it makes me feel like a villain in a James Bond movie.

When reading it, Louis had laughed softly. It would be hilarious to see Liam dressed up in a Banana Halloween costume they'd bought for ten dollars with some glasses that probably previously belonged to a pimp. He really hoped that Liam would accept the dare and wear the costume at the party, it would be beyond hysterical.

Friday nights were usually big nights on campus, and the small group never missed a chance to go out and enjoy the night life their University offered. They looked forwards to it every week, especially for the free alcohol. Louis liked to drink, and he liked the way it made him feel. It lowered his inhibitions, put him in a really good mood, and made him braver than usual.

However, he wasn't so sure if that was the case for the new addition to their group.

Since meeting the boy and hanging out with him a few times, he hadn't seen Harry drink once. He'd seen the taller boy accepting the beer out of politeness and cradled it in his hands. Liam had even started getting extra soda cans when he went out to buy alcohol for all of them, noticing that Harry wasn't a big drinker and that he should have something to drink.

He shrugged the thought away, heading out towards Niall's dorm, but frowned and stopped in his steps when his phone buzzed. He fished out the sleek device to check his phone, glad to see that it was from Niall.

[20: 21 - Niall] We're at Zayn's...but he isn't coming out anytime soon. Take your time.

Louis rolled his blue eyes, taking a deep breath before heading the same way and going to the eighth floor instead of the sixth one. He headed into the familiar building, pressing the button to the right floor and instantly noticing the three boys standing outside of Zayn's room.

Liam was knocking on the door, Niall was typing on his phone and Harry was leaning against the opposite wall, legs crossed at the ankles as he stared at Liam in amusement, a plastic Target bag sitting beside him on the floor. The costume, no doubt.

A second passed while Louis stared up at the tall, green-eyed, curly haired man taking up the spot on the wall, the bob of his throat reminding Louis of his deep voice.

Harry wore a navy-blue button down with tiny white dots paired with dark jeans that stretched around his long legs, the three top buttons of his button-up undone. His dark curly hair settled gently atop his head, like usual, but he'd pushed it back away from his forehead. Brown Chelsea boots completed the look, long legs crossed at the ankles.

As if sensing Louis' eyes on him, Harry turned his head in his direction, smiling shyly as Louis headed towards him to rest on the wall.

"What are we waiting for?" Louis asked, frowning in confusion as he pointed towards Zayn's dorm room.

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