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Nearly two full weeks passed without Louis and Harry seeing one another. Both boys were swamped with work, and were neck-deep in exams. The separation wore on them both, but they dealt with it the best they could. Sometimes, they would simply tell one another how they felt, and, sometimes, those confessions spiraled into ridiculous, teasing discussions that could go on for hours.

[00: 01 - Harry] When you were a kid, did you ever look up at the stars?

[00: 01 - Louis] I did
[00: 01 - Louis] Did you?

[00: 01 - Harry] All the time
[00: 01 - Harry] I'd have to sneak out to do it most of the time, but it was always worth it. I'd just sit there and think about things.

[00: 01 - Louis] What sort of things?

[00: 01 - Harry] Thingsss
[00: 01 - Harry] I used to think about my place in the universe and the stars were shinning down on me when I felt lonely.

[00: 02 - Louis] You're special

[00: 02 - Harry] Sometimes I would think about how I was always just meant to be alone
[00: 02 - Harry] No one liked the real me

[00: 02 - Louis] I don't want you to be alone

[00: 03 - Harry] Why not?

[00: 03 - Louis] Because I want you to be happy.

[00: 03 - Harry] I've done a pretty good job so far.

[00: 04 - Louis] You have, but I want to help

[00: 04 - Harry] You want to take care of me?

[00: 04 - Louis] We'll take care of each other.
[00:04 - Louis] Deal?

[00: 04 - Harry] Deal.
[00: 04 - Harry] I love you.

[00: 04 - Louis] I love you more.

[00: 04 - Harry] Not possible.

[00: 04 - Louis] Totally possible.

[00: 04 - Harry] I disagree.

[00: 05 - Louis] Well, I agree
[00: 05 - Louis] With myself.

[00: 05 - Harry] Of course you do.

[00: 05 - Louis] I'm just stating the facts: I love you more.

[00: 05 - Harry] I loved you first.

[00: 05 - Louis] *narrows eyes* Touché sir.
[00: 05 - Louis] We duel at dawn on the football field

[00: 05 - Harry] You're ridiculous.

[00: 05 - Louis] Me? Ridiculous? Not a chance.
[00: 06 - Louis] You're the one who just went all thirteen-year-old girl on me with the "I loved you first" text.

[00: 06 - Harry] Excuse me?
[00: 06 - Harry] You started it with YOUR "I love you more" text.

[00: 06 - Louis] I don't know what you're talking about
[00: 06 - Louis] You don't know shit Harold!

[00: 06 - Harry] You're impossible
[00: 08 - Harry] can I just say you're BOTH impossible? His phone goes off every three seconds so you two can argue about who loves the other more or wtv!!! It's ten seconds away from making me go crazy is2g
[00: 08 - Harry] Sorry, that was Niall.

[00: 08 - Louis] I figured.
[00: 08 - Louis] He's just mad because he hasn't been getting any sleep or any sex.

[00: 08 - Harry] That's what he gets for fighting with Barbara!
[00: 08 - Harry] Maybe we should go to sleep.

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