10 - Dancing in The Rain

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"This is so stupid," Louis complained, dragging a hand over his face before shoving it back into the pocket of his coat. "Wake me up when you guys are done."

It felt like fall was being chased out by an impatient winter who would stop at nothing to suck the life out of any plant that dared to try to thrive, and it seemed too early for it to feel like winter. It hadn't been so cold at this time last year, Louis was sure of it.

He pressed his nose into his scarf, hands in his pockets, and toes curling inside his shoes from the cold. Despite the weather, the five boys were huddled on a table outside the cafeteria during lunch, watching for a girl to accomplish Zayn's dare. Liam had dared Zayn to find a random girl on campus and propose to her, so here they were - sitting outside in the cold while Louis leaned back into the metal seat.

"Don't be a party pooper," Niall complained, shoving Louis' arm as eyes followed a group of girls cutting across the grass. "We're looking at girls, it's fun."

"We've also been sitting in the cold for an hour," Louis pointed out, grunting. "And looking for a girl is taking way longer than the actual dare. Just pick someone, and wake me up when he's doing the dare."

"You're being so dramatic," Zayn rolled his eyes, draping an arm over Liam's shoulder as he smirked. "Besides, this isn't even your dare. It's mine."

"I know," Louis groaned, closing his eyes and feigning sleep. "Being dramatic is my specialty. Plus, you literally flirt with everything that has a pulse."

It was true, Zayn was the type to who flirting came naturally - every smile looking like he was sharing a secret, his dark eyes lingering for a moment too long, and his touches warm and inviting. Zayn certainly acted that way towards Liam to some extent, and much more towards Sophie.

It didn't mean anything except that Zayn was a flirt and a perfect fit for the dare.

"Flirting is just like a sport," Zayn turned to flash a wicked grin to his best friend. "And, I just happen to be really good at it."

"Oh, yeah," Louis' soft laugh grew louder as he watched Zayn. "You're such a good flirt, Zayn. That's why I had to ask Sophie out on a date for you. Right?"

Zayn's cheeks blushed and he ducked his head, clearing his throat roughly as he glared at Louis. "Shut the fuck up," he muttered playfully, shoving at Louis' shoulder. "I'm a great flirt. Did you forget about Freshman year?"

"Freshman Zayn was wild!" Liam laughed, draping an arm over Zayn's shoulders. "Every night we'd go party, he'd never come home alone, or he'd come back the next morning!"

"I remember about one in particular, but I can't remember the name," Louis threw a quizzical look to his friends, a playful smile on his lips. "You know, the one who somehow convinced you that dying a blond streak in your hair was a good idea?"

"Alex," Zayn's voice lowered to a near whisper.

"That's the one!" Liam laughing. "He was literally crazy."

Bright green eyes widened in surprise, and before he could stop himself, he opened his big mouth. "Whoa wait," he blurted. "He?"

Zayn shuffled a bit under Harry's questioning gaze, but his voice was clear and confident. "Yeah, Alex was a guy."

"You were dating a guy?" Harry stressed the word again as if he simply could not digest the shocking memory. "I thought that you were straight."

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