Prologue: Birth of XYZ

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The city of Meraville! A dark, bleak place where people live without hope. The scale of crime is at it's highest and those who obey the law, fall miserably. This was all thanks to a recent outbreak, a mutation called the 'Nitronome Virus'. It is said to boost hormone levels beyond human control and cause 'reprogramming' of a human brain's nerves. But somehow, this reprogramming never makes a person better.

A red and white Cheetah-X7, speeds through broken glass, fires and the horrific sight of dead bodies. Mutated criminals now have the power to rule Meraville with ease. But the man driving, wasn't having it.

Professor Lucas Light, a highly intelligent scientist swore to be the end of this madness. Suddenly a rabid creature that was infected, jumped onto the windshield.


He gasped and made a left turn, hitting the breaks and spinning his car rapidly in succession. The creature fell off and he took a route down Shalot Street.

Damn it! I must get home as quickly as possible! He stepped on the gas, speeding up his vehicle, struggling to keep his grip on the steering wheel thanks to his sweaty hands.

Soon, he made it to his house in time. It was 11:45 PM on a Sunday with all the lights in the street shattered, leaving it in darkness. Clumsily, he took out his keys and opened the door.

The professor turned every light in the room on. Then he struggled with pushing a large heavy metal pot to the middle of the living room. He ran outside, jumped and rolled over the front of the car. Quickly opening the right car door, he grabbed three capsules containing small, radiant energy balls.

Professor Lucas ran back into the house and headed straight for his tiny, and cluttered kitchen. He grabbed a clean bowl from the dish dispenser and poured water from the faucet into it. Next he opened up the mahogany cupboard, took one of the remaining trash bags and tossed containers filled with baking soda, sugar, hot sauce, lime, and honey. Once he was done, he squatted to the lower cupboards and took out a few electric wires.

Rapidly, he went back to the living room and anxiously tossed the ingredients, including two of the capsules, into the pot set in the center of the room. Under the cauldron were three electric gas burners, which upon turning on raised the temperature of the ingredients to a few degrees until one-thousand. He took a large black steel rod that rested next to the pot and stirred the items together.

He eased back with a surprised expression at the sight of the glowing pot, outshining the bulbs in the living room. It was strange, white light was coming from the pot, yet, the room was in shades of red.

Lucas also spotted one of the most horrifying phenomenons he's ever seen in his life. His own shadow and every shadow of every opaque object in the room was bending towards the light and went below the pot. Afterwards the shadows started rippling more faster and faster.

The professor was too shocked for words and too shocked to move, the phenomenon before his eyes was never before seen by man, or so he thought.

"It's unstable...!" Lucas said, eyes as wide as golf balls. He took a step back, dropping the hot rod on the floor. "No, No... No!!!"

The three capsules of energy had had on him were the 'X-Factor', the 'Y-Factor' and the 'Z-Factor'. One positive, one negative, and one neutral. Unfortunately, he only placed the X and Y factors.

It might be complete if I add the last one...!

He carefully picked up the Z-Factor capsule and threw it into the energetic pot of destruction. Suddenly, the pot calmed down, it stopped shaking and the shadows went back to normal.

Lucas let out a huge breathe of relief. "Phew..."

He picked up the rod, thankful that he had remember to make the surrounding area fireproof. He slowly walked towards the giant pot and looked down at it.


Before he could say anything.... The pot, burst into a massive nuclear explosion. His house was evaporated and the explosion continued to expand from there. Soon it covered the bridge he never took from his house to the main city of Meraville.

Hundreds, maybe thousands were affected. The blinding rays covered a majority of Meraville.


[Current Setting]: Ironvale Headquarters

"The energy is off the charts!" a man said as he stared at a screen displaying graphs that overflowed.

"Captain Lucagy! Take a look at this!" one of his fellow co-workers yelled.

Lucagy glanced over and saw the image of a giant, gaping, multi-feet deep, crater. "What in God's name is that...!"

"Don't know sir.. but it's terrifying."

Captain Lucagy took off his grey and red lined cap and placed it at the left hand side of his chest. He closed his eyes and looked down at the floor. "Oh the poor civilians..." he said.


[Unknown Location]

"Hello! This is Whitney Miller of Meraville Media!"


A woman walks with flour on her face and in a green bowl. She sits at the couch and listens keenly to the news report.

"A large scale explosion happened just moments ago at 12:00 AM midnight. Hundreds or maybe thousands... could have died..."

Those words, shot through the woman's mind like a bullet and she dropped the flour and instantly teared up, fell to her knees and was shaking.

"M-my little girl... no..."

"Nooooooooooo!" She screamed.

On the screen behind Whitney, the television news reporter, the light started to fade away and revealed that everything in the city was obliterated. However, helicopters spotted something quite... odd and unlikely as it flew deeper into the wide hole.

Everyone caught in the explosion... was... UNINJURED! They only passed out!

"Oh my goodness! It seems like all of the citizens... h-have... SURVIVED!" Whitney yelled, throwing papers out of her hands.

"W-wha?" The woman said, hastily crawling closer to the television screen.

"The Meraville medical facility and police force have gone to investigate the matter. I've been told that we'll have the amount of citizens caught in the explosion."

"D-daddy..." a little girl with long sky blue hair spoke softly as she walked out of her room. Professor Lucas groaned from a slight headache as he gets up slowly.

"Daddy!" the girl yelled. Lucas turned his attention to her and got up in haste, running to her. As she approached, he grabbed her under his arms and lifted her up as she held tightly to her white stuffed rabbit with red cheeks.

"D-daddy, I feel funny..." she said. "And so does Mrs. Rabbit."

Lucas tapped her at the head and rubbed her soft blue hair, but then noticed something else. When having her in his arms, he didn't feel any form of weight.

He slowly turned his head to her and looked into her light blue eyes for a few seconds. Suddenly, he let her go...!


He slapped himself at the sight. He couldn't believe his eyes, not at all! His daughter, his four year old little girl... was floating above him, along with her stuffed animal!

*Plasma Note: We hope that you enjoyed this first part! Episode One of 'Dawn of XYZ' shall be coming out in a few days ;). Don't forget to to vote if you enjoyed it!*

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