Episode 4: The Silver-Haired Boy

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Blake sat down on the farther seat in the back that he could find. He couldn't stand the thought of being in the front, having everyone's eyes on him while easily being able to obscure the fact that they were staring at him.

He took a quick gaze at those seated around him. One of them was the watermelon-haired girl whom he had shared his 'first kiss' with. The girl slowly turned to look at him but quickly looked away as soon as she felt his cerulean eyes on her.

The ebony-haired boy glanced away, feeling his face heat up. His stomach felt like there were butterflies inside. His memories may have been gone, but something told him that he had never felt like this until now.

"Hey," Roy whispered, wearing an impish grin. "You checking that girl out? Her name is Melony. She's the most popular girl around, so your chances aren't very good. Trust me, I tried."

Blake's eyes returned to his vanilla desk. He could barely recall who he was, right now wasn't the time for him to focus on stuff like love. He had to concentrate on recovering those lost memories and learning what his power was.

For the rest of the day, he focused on his studies, hoping that perhaps one of his lectures might trigger a memory or two. Alas, there was none, other than his disdain for math. Though he was good at it.

"Yes, we're done!" Roy yelled as soon as the final bell rung. He put an arm around Blake's neck. "Now, to begin your training."

Blake gulped. He was unsure about this whole power thing, but if it would help him remember who he is, then he was willing to do it.

Later on they made their way to the only suitable and spacious place for Blake's training at the time. Upon a lush green grassy hill next to a windmill overlooking the school.

"Are you ready?" asked Diane.

He wanted to say no, but he couldn't chicken out. "Y...yeah."

Roy chuckled. "You shouldn't worry. You are in good hands. To begin, we'll explain XYZ in detail. Diane take it away!"

Diane cleared her throat. "Alright to begin..."

Blake rubbed the back of his head. Sweat ran down his face like a stream. Suddenly, he heard the disturbing drag of a boulder across the ground. Roy lifted it with a single arm and placed it beside Diane.

Diane formally flicked her index finger out to the boulder and cleared her throat. "To begin, you need to recognize that when you have XYZ..."

As she paused in her statement, she punched the boulder with her arm fully extended. The boulder was sent through the windmill and down the hill. As it went down it broke into smaller and smaller pieces and those pieces further caught on fire.

Blake's knees were knocking against each other at this point. Roy gave him an intimidating grin which didn't really make things easier for him.

"Roy, get the next boulder." Diane said, giving Roy a smile. Roy nodded in agreement while he cracked his knuckles.

'What have I gotten myself into?' Blake thought. 'I understand that I need to know myself in all aspects as things are, but...'

Roy pushed an even larger boulder than before in front of Blake's face and to make matters worse, he sat on top of it. Roy chuckled in satisfaction, smiling impishly.

'Is it worth it?'

"Come on, Blake." Diane said, giving him an encouraging smile.

"Hah! Maybe if you manage to actually lift this boulder you might actually get a date with Melony!"

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