Nine. one

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"ITS HAPPENING!" Taehyung scream and hold Yoongi's arm but failed.

The moment Yoongi fainted, everything shakes and a wave of scent of Alpha spread in the room, Hoseok falls to his knees and Namjoon keep holding the tree when they smell it. Mingyu and the others still fighting to submitted and try to protect Yoongi bit things.

Yoongi's eyes is now Mercury. Full of lust and madness.

"We cant stop him!" Jihoon whisper to Mingyu.

He knows that Mingyu is keep holding his arse to fight for his alpha and brother in law and Jihoon dont like the idea of his mate fighting and being hurt knowing his brother dont mean it and will might regret it forever.

"Hyung! What should we do!" Mingyu couldnt keep his eyes open, any moment now he might faint and be hurt but it doesnt matter.

"Stay! You stay behind Ill help Jin and Tae-hyung." Jihoon move inside again and join to the others.

"YOU MIGHT KILL HIM HYUNG PLEASE STOP!" Taehyung scream and try to be strong but failed again. Yoongi's power is overwhelming now. The only one can stand up still is Jungkook who marely shocked and frozen at the side and Jin who is holding the wall for support. Jihoon can feel the power yet ignore it knowing he's a alpha too.

Yoongi just growl and send another wave of power makes Taehyung whinned and fall completely while Hoseok and Namjoon is drooling in pain and submission.

"Hyung---" Jungkook finally spoke and snap everyone and makes Yoongi whinned not in pain but in madness. A deep anger.

"You know, It feels like hell everyday I see you ignoring me and Yoongi." Yoongi wolf said and shook his head then move to the side and observe the surrounding.

"I----"Jungkook try to say his sorry but ----

"You dont know how painful to see Yoongi crying every night hearing you moaning ---" Yoongi laugh dryly and turn to Taehyung who is in the floor crying.

"Tae? You feel that wasnt?" Yoongi ask as if it was joke.

"Hy---" Yoongi snapped and turn to Jimin who is on the floor crying too.

"Then--- you destroy him. You destroyed us. You try to kill us---- funny, Yoongi dont die but forgot everything---- you want to know? ---" He asked Jimin and turn to Jungkook.

"No please---" Jimin cry out loud.

"Well---- let just say? He doesnt even know how to speak, he's like a baby and me drown in darkness---" he growl and turn to Jin.

"Thank you Jin for teaching him to speak and be a few of him but I guess----" Yoongi stand in the middle and smirk.

"I will let you see how painful it was----" he laugh and pull something.

"We should be dying now--- and seeing the mark in your arms Jungkook makes me think that --- we no reason ever now, ever to stand here. But---- the fun part of this I will let you see me and Yoongi die and I ORDER YOU TO TASTE MY BLOOD a sign of pain." Yoongi laugh -----

"NO PLEASE!" Taehyung cry.

"NOOOOOOO" Jin scream -----

"ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND?" Jihoon scream and walk up to the front of his hyung ignoring his mate whimpered outside.

"Jihoon my dear brother!" Yoongi laugh and open his arm to hug him but he just ignore it and slap his left face.

Everyone gasped and Yoongi just laugh so loud.

"IT FEELS GOOD!" he said and turn to Taehyung face who is turning red now.

"You've lost your sense now hyung! Wake up soon please!" Jihoon whisper to him before pulling sometjing behind his back but Yoongo saw it right away and jump away and growl to Jihoon.

"That will not touch any of my skin! Sick!" He growl and slowly the other feels the alpha powerlessen. Taehyung try to stand but painfully failed. Jin complete composed now and move to Tae side and help him stand and watch how two Alpha growl to each other.

"What Jihoon-ah holding hyung?" Taehyung asked.

"Serum--- something that can calm Yoongi." Jin sort and help each other.

Jihoon keep growling too. Yoongi is now distracted to Jihoon a great a opportunity to other to attack him but Yoongi is not blind and idiot to let them he move right away to the door and slowly open it knowing Jihoon and the others is busy regaining their feet to stand.

Slowly Yoongi pull himself out to the woods and left the others----

"FCK!" Jihoon groan and run after him.

Jimin slowly follow them so is Jungkook who is faster than Jihoon now, following his instict and run where is feet go.

"HYUNG!!!!!" Jungkook scream out loud and try to catch the missing scent of him.


Someone whisper to his head----

Help us please

He groan and move faster ----

Blood i see only blood ----

Jungkook smell a faint cold metalic blood of an Alpha ----

So much blood

He feel breathless and lifeless every second --


By that --- Jungkook jerk awake and let his wolf find his soul , his love ---

He run to fast that he doesnt even realize he had bruises and cuts. Until he found his love ---


"Hyu--ng" he whisper. He see how his alpha pant and keep wiping his blooded hands, crying.

"No--- I didnt kill him --- I dont hurt him ---- please beleive me----" Yoongi keep mumbling and crying.

He was standing in the side of a big bear bleeding, dead.

He just stare to Yoongi, after a few seconds of thinking he dont realized thar Yoongi is looking to him sadly.


"Hi" Yoongi chuckled and then a wave of Alpha power send him faint.

"Goodbye my love" ------



ALPHA IS FORGIVING (rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now