My Life!!!

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Eleanor's POV

" Are you crazy?" Edwin shouted on me.

Not like that he doesn't like me, actually it's completely opposite. He loves me more than anything. Well, he is my twin. We always fight about who is elder. I know he is elder than me but still I love to fight with him.

" No, I am absolutely fine I guess." I smiled and he glared at me.

Actually, I am working on two projects together and there are two albums and 33 songs in those albums. I have to make 13 of them. Very hard working, then I need to record them and have to shot for albums and the songs. Very hard for me. So, I am working 16 hours in a day. He is angry for that.

" Yeah, I can see that. You are not going on work tomorrow and 6 more days ahead, no arguments. Or else I will ban on the recording companies." He said.

That's it. My crazy brother. He and his demand. He is I think just like my dad. Always, demanding.

I looked at the picture hanging on my room's wall. It was the picture when we were only 4 months. Edwin was so cute I have to admit. These sweaters we were wearing is a bigger size. It's idea of Aunt Ashley. Aww, I miss her.

" Are you Listening to me, Elie?" He said

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" Are you Listening to me, Elie?" He said.

" No." I smiled to tease him.

" You need rest, you are getting skinny day by day. I don't want to get you sick, Elie." His voice is much better now. He is not shouting now.

Well, he is the sweetest brother. I walked near to him and sat beside him, I hold his hand.

" Edwin, I know that you love me so much." I said, he looked at me with a smile. " But try to understand I need to complete this tasks. Badly need to." I said to him.

" But you are not taking care of yourself, that's making me very scared." He said.

" I will now onwards, I promise. " I said.

" But you have to take a leave for 7 days. It is still on." He said.

" No, I can't, Eddie. There are a lot of works. " I said and he at once took out his phone and called someone.

" Hello, Sharon? " Eddie asked. Sharon is his PA.

" Yes, which companies are these in Eleanor working on?" Shit, he is serious now.

" Do everything to ban on them." He said and I snatch his phone.

" Sharon?" I asked.

" Yes, Ms. Stewart? "

" Don't listen to him. Just we were arguing. You don't need to do anything. " I said and hung up.

" What's wrong with you?" I asked my twin.

" I should ask that not you." He said crossing his hands over his chest.

" Fine, fine, fine." I was pissed off.

" Take a leave, sis. You need it." He said.

" And what will I do? Just sitting at home watching movies? " I asked him in a very crossed tone.

" What about going for shopping and having fun? " he asked me.

" Well, not bad idea. I am in." I said.

" Let's go then, tomorrow. " He said and turn to leave.

" Edwin? " I called him.

" Anything else? " he asked.

" Yes." I went near to him and hugged him. " Thanks, brother"

" You're always welcome, sister. " He said hugging me back.

I smiled.

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