🌸🌞Sunshine and Crêpes🌸🌞 || Sugawara x Reader

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"That's it. Don't forget to do your homework!", the teacher said as he put together his paperwork. The class screamed in excitement. Summer holidays were finally starting. Everyone was rushing out of the class, so [F/N] waited until the situation calmed down. She didn't want wanted to join this battle of escaping school only to be the last one to leave in the end. During this time, the [H/C]-haired girl ordered the stuff in her bag, because it was way too full. "[F/N]-chan, are you still in here?" [F/N] startled and looked to the door where the voice was coming from. At the doorframe stood a boy with light grey hair and hazel-brown eyes. Their eyes met and a bright smile appeared on his face. The view of this beautiful person called [F/N]'s boyfriend made her blush in a deep red. It was true. Sugawara Koushi was [F/N]'s boyfriend for a few das now. Since he was her first boyfriend, [F/N] didn't kow how to behave towards him. Everytime, Sugawara came close to her she got red like a tomato and suuuper nervous. The male entered the classroom and went straight to [F/N]'s place. She was still dealing with her bag, so Suga helped her. He took a book and her pencil case which were the only things left on the table and put them skillful into her bag. After that, the Setter took his girlfriend's bag and hand and went out of the class, pulling her with him. 

"Huh? K-Koushi, where are we going?"

"I'll walk you home, but we'll make a detour~"

The [H/C]-haired girl's already deep red blush got more deeper. Not only that she was holding hands with the boy she liked (it was actually their first time holding hands), but to top all of this, he walked her home detouring. [F/N] was so excited, but she also got nervous again. "Don't worry. I promise it will be fun", Sugawara suddenly said. He felt her hand trembling and knew what was going on. After all, he knew [F/N] was nervous around him, ever since she was in love with him. He turned his head to look into the girl's face. Seeing her flustered like this made him smile. 
The couple went into the city. It was filled with people, especially students who were enjoying the start of their holidays as well. "Hm~ It should be somewhere here", the volleyball player mumbled while he looked around the area, obviously searching something. "What are you looking for?", [F/N] asked as she looked around herself. "It's a secret! Just wait~ Ah, there it is!"
The Setter dragged [F/N] with him as he turned a corner. [F/N] instantly noticed a crowd of people in front of a building. "Koushi? What's that?"
"It's the new crêpes shop which opened recently. I wanted to try it out with you."
Sugawara made his way to the crowd of people in front of the shop, not letting go of his girlfriend's hand. It was really crowded inside and out the shop. At this rate, they had to wait at least an hour to get in, but since Sugawara invited [F/N] to go there, she would bear it for him. There was still one problem: [F/N] was going to spend the whole time with Sugawara Koushi, her boyfriend. Nervousity came up again and [F/N] started to get tensed. She looked on her feet, thinking about what she should do.
Should she start a conversation? What should she talk about? Did Sugawara even want to talk to her?
All these questions blew off when Sugawara himself started to talk.
"The holidays are starting with a beautiful weather, don't you think so too?"
[F/N] looked up in surprise. Her glance fell on Sugawara who smiled at her. The sun was shining on his face and made him look so beautiful. The girl felt his hand squeezing hers and then somehow she realized something. This beautiful person was her boyfriend. He wouldn't be if he didn't want to talk to her.
Yes... Sugawara Koushi was in love with [L/N] [F/N]. She had no reason for being nervous around him.
So, the couple ended up talking the whole time about the weather, the holidays and plans they had for their holidays. An hour and a half has passed until they got to get their crêpes, but these weren't as interesting as their partner.

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