▶▷Smile◁◀ || Ushijima x Reader

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If there's one person who portrayed this term, then it was Ushijima Wakatoshi. He was always serious and barely showed emotions. He never spoke much, not even with his team comrades. It just looked like he had no fun at all. As if he wouldn't enjoy his life, the time with his friends or even laugh from the bottom of his heart.
[F/N] couldn't understand it. She always enjoyed her life and smiled a lot. She laughed about evrey little thing so she didn't want to believe her friend when she said that the Shiratorizawa volleyball captain has never smiled before. Of course, rumors like this were told day by day, but for [F/N], rumors were only rumors.

She started to believe them soon though.

It was one day when [F/N]'s friend, the manager of Sihratorizawa's volleyball team, broke her arm. It was hard for her to do all the work by herself, so she asked [F/N] to help out. Of course she wanted to help her and so the girl got to meet these boys for the first time.

Now she was standing in their gym.

Right next to her friend.

In front of many tall boys.

Some of them were really handsome and others looked just... Crazy...
"I would like to introduce someone to you. She will help me with things here until my injury's got better." [F/N]'s friend pointed at her what was her keyword to introduce herself now. Kinda overwhelmed by the amount and height of the boys in front of her (Not to mention everyone was now stating at her), [F/N] took a step forward.
"H-hello, my name is [L/N] [F/N]. I'm looking forward to work with you!"
[F/N] bowed a bit and waited for something to happen. The volleyball team bowed too and said "We're looking forward to it!" They were so loud, [F/N] startled what caused her friend as well as the teacher and the coach to laugh.
The next few weeks, [F/N] spent her time working for the volleyball team. It was actually fun and the boys sure were powerful. From time to time, [F/N] got to know everyone better. Not only their skills she was observing and documenting but also their personalities. Most of the boys turned out to be actually nice. There were two exceptions though. Tendou Satori was teasing the girl all the time. It was hard for her to deal with him but luckily the captain had him kinda under his control. But even this Ushijima Wakatoshi was the second one. It wasn't that Ushijima was not nice. It was just that he was a very serious person. He didn't talk much and when he talked it was about the team's capabilities and such stuff. [F/N] never heard him making a joke nor he laughed about one. All the rumors she heard before seemed true.
"But that can't be...", the girl mumbled to herself while she headed to the gym. In her opinion, the volleyball captain was the most handsome guy out of the team. He was not only handsome but he was also athletic and from what she heard, he must also be an ace in school. He really had everything to become popular with the girls if only he would open his heart. And therefore he needed to smile!
[F/N] made it her duty to make him smile at any costs. For this purpose she prepared several things. The first thing was something small to test how far she had to go.
"Ah, Ushijima-san!"
As always, he was the first on in the gym so it was the best opportunity to do it now. Who knows? Maybe he was just embarrassed to laugh in front of many people.
As she ran towards the taller male, [F/N] grabbed into her bag and pulled out a stack of paper.
"Here are the statistics of every team member, just as you asked", she said and handed the papers to him.
"Thank you."
Ushijima took a look into everyone's statistics without showing any emotions. [F/N] stood the whole time in front of him and waited for any reaction. It were minutes of awkwardness.
"Just as I expected", the captain then said and laid the papers on the bench. While Ushijima started to run rounds in the gym, [F/N] was left overwhelmed. Not a single reaction even although she tried so hard to draw this little chick on his statistics. It held a shield with the inscription "Smile~ 😊". Most people would smile at such a cute action.
"It's not over yet", she said frustrated to herself while she prepared the drinks for the boys. Normally it would be her friends task since she couldn't do much else but [F/N] insisted to do it this time. She filled every bottle with water just as usual, but one bottle was different. Its content was something everyone would react to. Of course she wouldn't give it to the Captain of Shiratorizawa's volleyball team, but seeing someone else drinking it would have the same effects.
"Good work, guys~ Let's have a break!"
The boys went exhausted to [F/N]'s direction while Tendou left the gym. Damn he's cancelling my plans...
The girl sent an evil glare to the door Tendou just passed.
"Oh, sorry!"
[F/N] took one of the last two bottles without thinking which was the "special drink" and handed it to the male behind her without looking at him.
"Thank you."
Wait... This was the wrong bottle!
When [F/N] turned around it was already too late. To her horror it wasn't only that she gave the wrong drink to the wrong person but this person was no other than Ushijima Wakatoshi!
[F/N] got mentally prepared for her end but to her surprise the captain showed no reaction to this either.
"Is this a new mixture? You should do it more often."
Ushijima handed the bottle back to the completely surprised substitute manager and left without saying anything more.
And so, the boys continued practicing and [F/N] didn't achieved any results. She even thought about giving up, but things changed her plans again.

For the good of her previous plans of course.

"Hey chibi-chan~ wanna go to karaoke with me?"
"No Tendou I'm going home right away"

Practice ended and everyone was more or less on their way home. Tendou, once again, had fun teasing the smaller girl. For [F/N] it was no fun after all. Everytime practice ended, Tendou played with [F//N] by giving her weird nicknames and inviting her to karaoke only to hear her "dying-cat-voice". It annoyed her but she always ignored it. This time it actually seemed that his teasing didn't know any borders. Ushijima who just came out from the changing room, joined the two of them, unaware of what was going to happen.
"Come on, come on! We'll have a lot of fun ~!"
"Stop it!", the girl screamed as the red-haired boy pinched her cheeks. Ushijima opened his mouth to say something but it was too late...
[F/N] gave Tendou a clear punch on his head.
"OUCH! Mean bully-chan!"
"Pfft haha"
Both, Tendou and [F/N] turned around only to see the last hints of a smile on Ushijima's face.
"You laughed!"
They screamed in chorus and pointed at their captain.
"I did not." Ushijima simply replied with his usual facial expression.
"You did! Do it again" [F/N] insisted but the taller male replied by turning around and leaving. Of course [F/N] wouldn't let him go so easily and followed him. "Please, Ushijima-san! Only one more time!"
Said male suddenly stopped walking what caused the girl to bump against his back.
"Why?", he then suddenly asked.
[F/N] took a few steps back and looked on the ground.
"Because... Everyone should laugh. And for someone like you who never does such a thing it's even more special."
She didn't dare to look up. Footsteps were coming closer to her and a hand was grabbing her chin. Her face was raised and she looked right into Ushijima's olive eyes. His face was so close to hers that [F/N]'s heart started to race. Her face must have been bright red by now. She could even feel his breath on her face. It killed her mind.
"Then it would also be special if I do this, right?"
[F/N] didn't have time to say anything. In an instant, his face came even closer until their lips met. It felt strange but she liked it. The girl closed her eyes and returned the kiss.
This was way more than what she wanted to achieve and she was totally fine with that.

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