A Night Out

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"Good Morning sunshine!" A voice called from the other side of his door. Damien rolled over to look at the generic digital alarm clock on his bed, three o'clock, he'd slept well. "Come on!" there was a bang on his door "Big day for you today!". Damien rolled out of his bed and quickly changed into a jeans and t-shirt outfit. Pacing across the room barefoot he opened the door to see Cobra standing there. Her slender frame was propped flirtatiously on the doorway, her hips jutted out in an effort to show them off. Damien instinctively scanned the room for Raven, he looked at her just long enough for her to notice before looking away.  

"What's the occasion?" Damien asked.

"Your first mission lady killer" she handed him an envelope "this one's only a one so be gentle".

"What's that mean?" he asked.

"Our customers rate on brutality. One is quick and as painless as possible, five is brutal and torturous. Joe or Bloodbath handle those" she explained looking over to the large man joining Raven on the couch. Damien read over the file of Samantha Williams, she was a college girl, single, in a sorority. Easy target he thought Party tonight at the ΔΘΩ sorority house, University of San Diego. Estimated drive time three hours. A picture of her was attached to the file. She was a pretty, black-haired woman with green eyes, she had a look of someone an unpopular girl would want to kill. She had expensive clothing in the picture a Gucci purse, Damien felt a tinge of disgust at the pretentiousness.

"Am I going alone?" he asked looking up from the file.

"You can take whoever you want as long as they're not busy, but I think you should take someone that will... fit in in the environment" Cobra was clearly alluding to herself. Damien already had someone in mind as he looked over to the couch.

"I'm gonna grab some things and get ready" Damien turned around and strode to his bedside table grabbed his favorite knife and tucked it into his inside belt loop. It was a comfort to have his same knife when everything else was so different. Grabbing a tighter jacket, he walked back past his room door stepped over to the couch and sat on the armrest next to Raven. "Want to have a night on the town" he smiled to her flirtatiously. She looked back at him not returning the sentiment.

"You want to take a pretty girl to something like that" she retorted in a voice that suggested she couldn't believe he was asking her, looking back to the TV.

Damien looked over her smooth face for a moment, her green hair hanging in short wispy bangs on her head. "I am" he said finally not looking away from her. This got her attention, she looked at him to see if he was joking. Her lip piercing shining on her slightly open mouth, it was a look of surprise. If he didn't know better he'd say he was the first guy to call her pretty, he felt proud of it in a way. She looked down, she didn't believe the sentiment, didn't have enough confidence in herself to do so.

"Alright, maybe it'll be fun" she agreed. Damien smiled and hopped off the armrest flatting down his black T-shirt. Raven had gone into her room, which he didn't realize till now was right next to his. He checked the pre-installed apps on his phone while he waited. Contacts, Accounts, Conduit, messenger, phonetrack. The phones could track each other, that could be useful if they get separated. His account had at least half of his life savings in it, plus payment in advance for the job he was doing now. People payed top dollar for this type of stuff.

"Ready to go?" Raven walked up next to him. She was in a pair of plaid pants and converse, she had a gray jacket tossed over her black rocker tank top. Damien couldn't help but smile while he looked at her. He couldn't quite place why he felt this way when he looked at her, if anyone saw them together they'd think they were the two most different people in the world. He felt drawn to her nonetheless, he wanted to spend time with her.

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