The Man Burns

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"Morning" Damien rubbed Ravens bare back and kissed her on the forehead. It had been the best night sleep he'd ever had. She was still on top of him sound asleep looking peaceful. He didn't want to move, but today was special. Today they left for Burning Man, the greatest festival of all. Damien began nudging Raven little by little nit wanting to be too pushy. Raven grunted and put her hand on his face, taking the challenged he liked her hand.

"Eww" she rubbed her wet hand on his check "You're gross". She propped up on her elbows looking at him with a smile as she lay on top of him. "Well, this is... uh... new for me" she looked around nervously.

"You say that like it's a bad thing" Damien chuckled wrapping his hand around her waist. "I know I think it's a good thing, but we have Burning Man today so we need to get up".

"Fine," she groaned "But if my hair doesn't get good reviews today I'm blaming you" she raised her self so she was sitting on top of him matching her waist with his. She shook herself in his lap before hopping off to her dresser.

"You tease" Damien jumped up after her.

"You know it" she laughed grabbing underwear before going into the shower and closing the door. Damien looked down at the clothes he threw off, they were still wet. Using them as a makeshift towel Damien stepped out of Raven's room. He stopped in his tracks when he saw Gearshift and Joe looking up at him from the workout area at the far end of the room. Joe the Savage laughed heartily leaning back on the squat rack he was using. Gearshift just stared wide eyed and blushing.

"Don't worry we've all been there" Joe was still laughing.

"What do you mean?" Damien got suspicious.

"No no don't get me wrong you're the only person Raven's ever touched" he put his hand up smile still across his face. Damien did admit to himself it was a bit of a relief that he just understood wrong. "I meant walking out of a lady's house naked in the morning" he laughed again.

"Call it the walk of victory" Damien laughed as he walked to his room. Laughing not only at the situation, but the look of total shock on Gearshifts face which was now bright red. Tossing his clothes into a hamper on his right wall he walked to his bathroom. Taking a quick shower, he got his clothes ready for the dessert. He tossed on his most colorful board shorts and a beach muscle T-shirt, strapping his knife to his inner waistband. He just didn't feel right not having it with him, almost as if it was a part of him. He caught Cobra leaving the bunker as he stepped out, a long suitcase in her hand and backpack on her back.

"I'll catch up with you boys tonight" she looked at Damien and winked before turning out. Damien rolled his eyes take a hint he sighed inwardly.

"too many people are into you charmer" Bloodbath walked up to him, his voice sounded electronic and happy with his Burning Man mask.

"Yeah well I'm taken" Damien said shortly "Plus Raven is way better than her anyway".

"First time I've heard that one" he laughed sounding like a dubstep robot.

"I'll take Raven any day" he assured looking over to him.

"Awww how sweet lover boy" he laughed wildly.

"Yeah, how sweet" Raven wrapped her arms around his waist from behind.

"How long were you standing there" Damien couldn't help but blush a little as if he was caught dong something bad.

"The whole time" she turned him around to face her "What? You don't want me to hear you complimenting me behind my back" she smiled. Raven was in an odd costume, white paint covered her body forming the lines of her curves. She did a little twist when she saw him staring, a set of wings were painted on her back and a skull was painted over her face. Other than the paint she was wearing a bikini also covered in white paint markings.

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