Dance with the Devil

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The pillows helped get rid of the pains of sleeping on the floor. Raven had offered him a spot in her bed after their talk last night, but he could tell she still wasn't ready, she did it for his sake. As he rose he watched Raven sleep with her bear for a moment. The gentle rise and fall of her chest made her look so peaceful that he dared no disturb her. Walking quietly from the room he opened her door and stepped through. He met Oxford's old face and jumped slightly in surprise. He pushed a closed envelope to his chest.

"It appears that the lady killer has another job" he smiled "Plane ticket is in the envelope, you're going to New York".

He grabbed the envelope, felling the course paper in his hands. "When am I going?" he asked as he pushed the clip in to review some of the details.

"You're going tonight" his voice didn't suggest he should argue "Your flight is at six o'clock, I'm sorry you'll have to miss dinner". He shrugged as if to say he understood that work did that sometimes. Damien walked back into his room and set up his papers on the nightstand beside his bed, the girl wasn't the typical beauty that he was sent after. Dalia Mendoza was a thicker Mexican woman, she frequented little Italy, she was single. He went over the information as he read, he'd already been set up on a blind date with the woman tomorrow night. The setup they put into they're excursions always impressed him, but it was to be expected with matters of life and death. Damien figured he'd have some time to go over the list of her likes and dislikes on the flight over. Faking being the perfect man always came easy to him and he found it almost laughable how easy it was mixed with his looks to reel a girl in. The illusion of love truly made people dumb. As he paced around the room, made small talk with the various patrons, and did a few more rounds with the bag Raven finally came trudging out of her room. Damien, of course, was the first to greet her.

"Hey beautiful" he cooed Raven who had come out of her room messy hair and all.

"Don't lie to me I look like crap" she denied his compliment, but smiled as she wiped her eyes. Damien reached his hand forward, a tradition for them now, and she reached to touch his hand gently and brought it to her. Damien felt sparks go up his hand filling him with a soothing sensation, the world faded around him in these moments. Now he took another step, moving his head forward to meet hers slowly as their eyes met. She didn't move, but didn't protest his slow advance. Their foreheads touched, they were so close now the heat of their breaths mingling with each other. Now her hand touched his face as well, she begun to push him away gently. "I have morning breath" she laughed.

"It's not that bad" he stood back up the moment moving from intimate to jovial.

"It's a little bad I'm gonna brush my teeth" she turned and stepped in her room. Damien smelling his own breath decided he should take a pass with a toothbrush as well. As he looked himself in the mirror a spark entered his mind, he forgot to tell Raven about the trip! Quickly finishing he spit and dashed out of his bathroom to Raven's room and began knocking on the door. Through the window he saw Raven, toothbrush in hand poke her head from her bathroom, she waved him in and Damien entered. "Wow you never knock" she remarked as he entered the bathroom.

"I didn't want to be rude" he rubbed the back of his head awkwardly.

"Unless I say you can't, you can just come in" she washed her mouth in the sink looking embarrassed as she spit.

"Umm, I got a job in New York" Damien chose the state the facts route not knowing what she would say.

"Well," she looked sad "You better not get arrested or something".

"I'll be okay, you don't worry about me too much" Damien joked "I'll be back before you know it, teddy can keep you company while I'm gone" he moved back to the bed and held the stuffed bear to his face.

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