The Past Haunts Us

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Jason woke feeling the car jolt to a stop.

"We're home" Cobra yawned "And I'm going to take a nap". Damien was surprised that he'd slept for the duration of the trip. Light poured in as the trunk was open, the drive must've taken them into mid day. Feeling Raven stir at his side he smiled, then she rolled onto his hand and he felt the sharp sting of pain yelping in surprise. This woke her up with a jolt and Damien pulled his hand back quickly pulled his hand backward sitting upright.

"I'm sorry did I get your hand?" she asked sobering from the daze of sleep.

"You're fine," Damien scooted his way to the end of the trunk "Let's get inside". Everyone stood and waited for them to climb out of the trunk before beginning the short hike to their home.

"Hey Charmer," Bloodbath held out a hand with a smile "High five?"

"Not a chance" Damien laughed flipping off the strange boy.

"Ah you'll be better in no time" he waved a hand nonchalantly in Damien's direction. Cyber pulled out his laptop, he was the only one with remote access to the door, and opened latch. Stepping into the living room together the cool air was a relief from the outside heat. Oxford waited for them just a bit inside.

"I hope you all had fun" Oxford smiled "Chef has lunch about ready for everyone I'm sure you're hungry"

"Anything for us to do today?" Cyber asked in a terse voice.

"No I closed request for the day and today to give you time to rejuvenate" Oxford said jovially.

"Oh man thank god" Bloodbath groaned I need a good nights sleep.

"Yeah and Charmer needs to heal" Raven held up his hand triumphantly. Something sparked in his mind, he and Raven didn't know each other's real names. He was in a relationship with someone whose name he didn't know. But in a way those names were as real as any name, that's who they were. He decided to push it from his mind.

"Congratulations on doing the burning Charmer" Oxford patted his shoulder as they walked down for lunch "Don't fret, time heals all wounds as they say. I'll make sure I have some salve for you tomorrow". Damien nodded meekly in agreement with the old doctor. Dinner looked perfect, a philly cheese steak with a tall cold soda. Everyone thanked Chef as always and began digging in, after the car ride conversation was mostly out in favor of eating. "I do have something... rather serious I wish to discuss with all of you" Oxfords sudden grave voice caught everyone's attention. "If intel serves... Alexander... is back in town".

"No," Raven pushed away from the table, her voice cracking "That can't be true".

"Well then let's find him" Joe angrily stuck his knife in the table "I've been waiting for a rematch".

"Intel show us that he's back in our area, but we don't know exactly where" Oxford looked down at his food "We'll need to stay on alert". Raven got up from the table and stormed up the stairs angrily, everyone helplessly looked after her. "You should be with her, she will surly explain to you who Alexander is" Oxford dismissed him. Being polite, Damien cleared his and Ravens plates and jogged up the stairs after her. She was sitting on her bed, knees curled up with a pillow blocking her face. Damien knocked to announce his presence, but came in anyway. The sound had been blocked when he was behind the door, but Raven was crying. Damien stepped gingerly over to her as if the painted face on her wall was listening. She looked up at him as he approached, mascara smearing black lines down her cheeks. She sniffled the tears away and wiped her eyes getting the make up on her hand.

"Hey babe" Damien sat down beside Raven, she leaned into him releasing her pillow.

"You know they say time heals all wounds, but it's been so long and just hearing his name makes me like this" tears began to come again. "You don't have to be afraid, I'm here. But who is this guy?" Raven seemed reluctant, but let out a smooth breath.

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