~A/N I just want to point out this is not a photo I made. I take no credit for it All right go to @september_never_ends but its a picture of Kellin and he has a role in this chapter as well a Vic,Mike,and Garard. ENJOY.*smiles like the cartoon grinch* and for those of you that want to know this is part 26~
Third person POV
Jake went out drinking with a few friends such as CC,Andy ,Vic Fuentes,Mike Fuentes,Garard Way, and Kellin Quinn,while Jinxx ,Ashley, Letticia and Vic's girl Riley have a 'girls night'. As the night bore on and the shots became a blur Jake found himself with someone alone in the back room. It was a man although jake was too drunk to actually see who he was with he figured it was his love. Jinxx. So out of instinct he pinned 'Jinxx' to the wall and planted a gentle yet forceful kiss on the small mans lips, but when the figure didnt kiss back jake backed away a bit slobbering only slightly, just enough to know that was not his love but none other then Kellin Quinn Bostwick. (Says in a British accent) Oh dear this can't be good.
Kellin POV ~Ohhh twist~
Maybe its the tequila and the whiskey but Jake is lookin sexy as hell right now especially since he's confuzled. But I just want to sink my teeth in that gorgeously small bottom lip of his. I know he has a boyfriend and I'm good friends with him too, but what Jinxx doesnt know wont kill him. Im pulled from my thoughts by Jake's handsome voice.
"I-i can-t do t-his to jinxth" he slured (yes drunk jake talks like salvestor the cat deal with it)trying to get to the door.
But I stopped him pinning him against a wall.
"Well a taste of someone else wont kill Jinxx." I told him kissing up and down his neck and jawline earning a low moan from Jake. I guess that was the only encouragement he needed because in the blink of an eye I was flipped to the wall and mine and his shirts were already on the floor and my legs were around his waist while he cupped my ass and ground against me slow and torturously,causing a low groan to escape my throught and be muffled by Jake's lips. He nipped my bottom lip giving it a slight tug causing me to release a girlish moan. He was about to unbutton my skinny jeans when there was a knock on the door and a voice on the other side.
"Hey Kellin you in there."
It was Vic.I pulled my face away from Jake's for only a moment.
"Y-yes,ah why"I answered.
"No reason just wondering where you went. Glad your having fun but have you seen Jake? Jinxx has been looking for him and said he hasn't been answering his phone." Vic explained
"N-n I ha-havent" and vic left without another word.
Although it was difficult to talk through my moans because Jake found my sweet spot after Vic first spoke. It only took me a moment to realise that Jakey was already in his boxers so I wasted no time removing my jeans and boxers before kneeling in from of the handsome guitarist. I tugged down his boxers allowing his erection to spring free and took just the tip in my mouth swirling my tongue around it and teasing the slit before taking him fully in my mouth. Bobbing my head at a steady speed as I began to stroke myself as well keeping time with each bob until I felt Jake's fingers in my hair. As he let out a sexy groan.
"Oh God,Kellin.....im not gonna last much lo-" he tried to say but he was cut off by his own heavy breathing and moans. He started to thrust in time with my head and I felt that oh so familiar pleasure knot form in my stomach. I was close and so was he. I could tell. His thrusts where getting sloppy. And the he let out my name in a long moan.
"Nngh! KELLIN!!!!!!!" And the was enough to tip me over my edge. And I finished my high the door open. My head and his shot up toward it. Only to see mortified Jinxx with tears,so so many tears in his eyes, and then what we just did sunk in. He drunkly cheated with one of Jinxx's friends and I did the worst thing I couldve done I slept with my friend's boyfriend,and I was mostly sober for it. And we watched him run out.~A/N Well fuck.......that had shitty outcome. Oh well it'll get better...........or ya know worse. Anywhore til next time my peoples~

When the stars burn Bright (Andley And CC relationship)
Fanfiction19 year old Andy is in love with Ashley and the fear of him not feeling the same seems to eat him up but Ashley feels the exact same way and one night he snaps and everything falls where it may and who is CC dating read to find out and theres Janxx...