Chapter Three: My Encounter.

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I had been running in wolf form for three days, the max without food.

I needed more energy. I needed to eat. Bad. But I couldn't go to town filthy. Not because I was scared, but because that was gross and weird.

The growl from my stomach resounded across the forest, bouncing off the trees and back to my ears.

I cringe at the sound, and feel that acid in my stomach, just bubbling.

Searching for a stream, or a pond. Something to wash this rancid smell off of me.

I sniff the air trying to get passed my stench to smell the fresh scent of water.

I stop once I catch it and then race after the scent, stopping at a pond. It was crystal blue, but it had a green hue. I rhymed. Heh.

Good enough. I think to myself.

Shifting back, I drop the book bag, relief in my shoulder, and I do a bit of stretching.

Once I feel my limbs are back to normal, I slowly approach the water. I didn't know if a sea monster was gonna pop out........

Once I get to waters edge, my feet slowly enter the fresh cool water.

When I was knees deep, I jump up and dive under, getting used to the water as fast as I could. Like ripping of a bandaid.

The Water was cool, silent, and crystal blue.

I close my eyes and let myself sink, and once my feet hit the sand, I push up as hard as I can and reach the surface taking in a breath.

I push my hair out of my face, and blow the water away from my mouth.

I look around to make sure no one sees me.

I lean my head back, keeping myself up by kicking my legs, and rest by hair in the water and scrub away the dirt
Once that is don't, I go to the shallow end and scrub myself with the sand, and once I was decently clean, I walk out of the water and to my bag.

I grab a pair of underwear, shorts, socks, my converse, and a flannel.

Once i am dresses up, I clasp on the necklace.

I grab my bag and slip it over my shoulders, tightening the straps and heading towards civilization.

All of the sudden a twig snaps, and I was walking on grass. I couldn't have snapped the stick.

I get in a defensive stance, and look around.

Yellow eyes, are what I am met with after whipping in a circle, looking for the source of the small, but terrifying noise that put me on edge.

My eyes widen and I back up slowly, but the creature growls. I quickly glance behind me, an see a street light in the distance.

I look back at the wolf to see, that it is approaching.

I feel my heart beat faster and faster, with each step it takes. I was frozen, but I had to wait for the right moment.

He finally stumbles a little, and now's my chance. Run while he is recovering, for a head start.

It was my bright light, hopefully my saving grace. It was going to get dark soon, the sun making its bed. I had to get to the streetlight.

Pushing myself faster, and faster, the growls behind me getting louder and louder and i almost trip over a stump, but quickly jump, stumbling a bit, but regain my speeding almost instantly.

The streetlight was close.

I could feel the wolf's breath on my heels as I try and escape it, but he was gaining on me to the point I felt if he leaped, he could take me down. Why wasn't he? He could jump now?

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