Chapter Fifteen: My Medicine.

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It had been a week, and all of the small wounds had healed pretty nicely, only small scabs I kept picking at left behind.

But amidst all of this healing, my relationship with Caldron took a plummet, ever since I said I wouldn't kiss him.....

Caldron wasn't talking to me, and I was starting to sort of..Miss him?

But how? Why did I care?

You don't.

But I do...... and I hated it.

I hated that he wasn't talking to me.

I hated he wouldn't look me in the face.

I hate that I didn't see him unless it was meal time,and he went God knows where for the rest of the day.

He would get me food, but no words were exchanged. He was mad at me, for reasons I can't change. I can't change the fact just am bitter because my mother is dead.

I can't change the fact that he was right.......

I felt. I didn't act. I didn't know how to do that without being a brat about it.

I hadn't heard him call me darling since he explained the reasoning behind the nickname, and it hurt to be completely honest.

Even though it irritated me a tad, it was still my nickname. And it still made me feel special in an, "quit calling me that dipstick," kinda way.

Today it would be different. It was breakfast time, and i can hear him cooking for my the top of the stairs, the smell of buttery eggs wafting into my nose.

I take a deep breath and walk down the stairs loudly, announcing my presence.

I was gonna make him talk to me.

And how was I gonna do that?

I had no damn clue.

I make my way down the stairs and see him making eggs, like he had done every morning.

I give a small smile.

I might have failed to mention that I didn't talk to him either.

Meaning I was mad at him because he was mad at me.

I clear my throat.

He glances at me but keeps up with his task.

I sigh. "So....." I say. He doesn't reply nor look up at me.

"Are you eating?" I ask him. Why wouldn't he? Why am I such a dipstick?

He looks at me and stands up straight with an eyebrow raised.

"That was kinda the plan." He says with a duh tone. Looking back down to the eggs.

"Oh." I say looking down. I sigh and look around the kitchen avoiding his gaze.

He hadn't even wire his chef gear in this entire time.

The eggs where done and he was getting the plates, the clanking of the porcelain being the only noise in the small room.

He walks to the fridge and gets me ketchup setting it on the counter and sliding it over along with a fork, and putting the eggs and butter away.

He walks around me, and for a brief moment, I can feel tingles as he walks by, but the disappear faster than they appeared.

He sits at the other end of the bar. As far as he can get from me without standing. He was actually mad at me for not kissing him.

I look down at my plate with my fists clenched, and eyes furrowed, confused to say the least.

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