Chapter Four: My A'hole.

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I just look at him and blink.

"Well then........I have a cheeseburger to get to so I am just gonna...." I say gesturing behind me, trying not to think about this. I needed to get away.

But something tells me that's not happening any time soon. He had me in his clutches. And I don't think he planned on letting me go.

His smirk grows larger and he approached slowly. Persistent jack*ss.

"Nervous yet Darling?" He says running a finger along my collar bone, glancing down and back to my wide eyes. I gulp, taking in his features up close.

He was literally perfect. I wanted to touch the hair, that looked like silk. I wanted to kiss his perfect lips, and stare in those piercing eyes all day. I wanted him. But I also wanted my mom alive. I couldn't have that.

I suddenly lose all interest. But the tug brought back the feeling.

This was getting frustrating and I just met the guy.

He could sense my gawking. "Told you I was hard to forget darling." He says in my ear. That gave me chills.

His lips tickle my ear and I shudder. The tingles. I had to ignore them. But how could I ignore such pleasure?

I let out a shaky breath trying to shake off the feeling.

But he killed her.

My mom.

I back away and give him a death glare.

"You're Fate." I ask him unsure, and not wanting to believe it. I mean it would explain the blatant attraction I have toward him. And the sky told me we where destined.

His smirk grows.

"So you've heard of me?" He says stepping even closer.

My heart tugs. It was impossible with the bond we have to hate him. Tears of frustration brim my eyes.

I look him in the eyes. "You selfish jerk." I say my nose burning, and my throat closing.

His smirk drops. And a look of anger fills his stance and facial expression.

"Why did you take her? I took that as rejection and your sitting here acting like we are all buddy buddy, and mate for life." I ask him. The tears finally fall.

His face went from anger to regret, and he looks down to the ground with shame.

His jaw clenched. "I had no choice." He says his teeth gritted.

My eyes were on fire. "No choice?" I scoff at him shaking my head. "No matter what it is, everyone has a choice. But not many people think about the consequences do they?" I say to him.

"Thought I would just get a lecture about mates.....No. I got my mother killed. That was my consequence for kissing a mutt!" I scream at him.

"In what universe did you think that this wouldn't have repercussions? What did you think would happen? We would meet and I would forget you committed murder, and we would have a happily ever after? News flash, welcome to the real world. Stuff like that doesn't happen after what you did." I ask him swiping the frustrated tears away.

"I didn't kill her. I ordered them to scare her. But they got to rough. And payed for it. You made sure for my Beta. He is half blind now." He says, the last bit with irritation.

My glare beams harder at him. I wanted to burn him with my eyes. His stance falters but he looks at me and stands taller.

"You where with a male.......that's not me......." he says.

I grow confused. "How exactly did you know?" I ask.

His stance sinks again. "I knew who you where...and that you where mine. For a while now...." he admits. Does this guy know how relationships start?

My anger only grows. "What is mister confident scared to approach me? All this time. One male, who I rejected, by the way, and you kill my MOTHER. When you could have met me sooner, and we could have been together with no problems. No. You have to act like a jealous child scared of taking initiative. I was late two years for my mate! I thought he might've died! So yes I messed around a bit." I say to him meaning every word, spilling poison in them like an ink pot on a page.

"I understand if you hate me-" he tries to explain but I spare him the embarrassment.

"That's my problem Fate....I can't hate you no matter how hard I try. But know that we will never be together as long as I live. Have fun living the rest of your immortal life by yourself." I say, walking passed the sea of people as others see him fail to the ground and sob.

As if he had the right.

I only shed one tear for someone who's dead. But this might hurt worse because I am within his grasp.

But he can never have me.

And he couldn't take me either.

He was as hopeless as I was when I tried to save my mother, while she bled out.

Have fun taking a dose of your own medicine a'hole.

Song: Hold On Your Life by Sam Tinnesz

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