Chapter Thirteen: My Fight.

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I look her in the face and she cracks her neck getting in a fighting stance, smirking in confidence she'll win.

Her skin was smooth and tan, she probably went running for a while.

I was short and pale. Great. I was up against someone who actually exercises.

I knew I shouldn't have eaten that diner food.

She was getting justice for her brother, but when I did that to him...took half his sight.....I was getting justice for my mom. We both had people to fight for. But at least he didn't lose his life.

She probably didn't know that. She didn't know the horror he committed against another innocent being.

And if she did, well then shame on her. Defending a murderer.

He got off easy. Half Blind, and would gain back his sight in 4-5 years.

He didn't have to deal with repercussions.

Death. Heartbreak. Craving revenge. Hating your mate. Having Fate, for a mate.

He got off easy.....He would get his eye back.

My mother, and trust to my mate were no longer. One could never be revived and the other was dead. I knew we would never work like he wanted it to.

I had more drive to win. I would prove to them I wasn't weak.

I tilt my head and my gaze turns stoic. I wouldn't let my feelings get in the way.  Wouldn't show emotion.

I was angry. Vengeful. Scared. But she didn't know that. And I wasn't gonna let her figure it out.

I get in fighting stance the cold dirt of the battleground, digging between my toes.

It's completely silent other than the sound of breathing and the heartbeats for the anticipation.

I take a deep breath focusing all of my energy into this fight.

Her left leg pushes back, and her right fist flies forward catching me off guard.

I stumble back spitting out the metallic blood, and licking my lip.

I do a round house kick for her face, but she anticipated it, and throws my leg back down.

I was more skilled with my wolf. My human side was about as useless as this fight is.

After she throws my leg back down, I punch her gut sending her flying back.

She quickly recovers and throws a punch to my gut, then with her other fist, goes for my face and i block it throwing a punch to her side.

Kicks me in he face and I go flying back, and she advances as soon as she gets the chance and tries to choke me.

"This is for my brother. You are nothing but a worthless b*tch that ruins people's lives!" She screeches trying to get her eager hands around my throat, but I tackle her to the ground, and hold her face throttiling hands.

"He obviously lied. You think I would have pleasure in taking sight? Something I do in my spare time? Maybe you should dig deeper instead of taking the word of a mother murdered b*stard of a Beta!" I yell back and she kicks me off.

She growls and tackles me, her claws making their way out of her fingers slowly.

Mine fly out. I had trained for at least that with my mom.

"Why should I believe a wh*re who is rumored to be sleeping with the Alpha for refuge!" She screams and I growl with the little breath I had, and  throw her off.

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