Chapter 6:Eavesdropping

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                                                                    Aaron's Point Of view

I found out something I never thought would be the case.That happened because...well...I wasn't EXACTLY eavesdropping.I just wanted to know how the relationship between Justin and Fay I followed them.And I saw something that I didn't know about,it seems the case that Justin didn't even know himself so I'm not the only one.


I waited for Justin and his "friend" at a park next to a lake when I saw them coming.I couldn't believe my eyes,Justin was telling the truth about his friend.And she's a girl too.She walked up to me and smiled.

Aaron:Hi!My name is Aaron,and what's your name?

Fay:Fay!It's so nice to meet you!

Aaron:Oh Fay....I remember now.....Justin told me a lot about you when you weren't around.First time I see face to face with you.You know he told me that you were pretty,and cute and.....


OH....I see now...My friend Justin here.....has a crush on her!Why didn't I see this before.I'm sorry Justin...but I have to say this.Just for fun.And I know that Fay feels the same way...just by how she looks at him.(Love Expert!Right here)

Aaron:....OH right..yea...sorry...I forgot.I thought you were just making things up about a pretty,smart,cute,funny,caring girl named Fay.

Yup I said it.You can thank me later Justin.I gave you a push don't mess it up.(And of course he did later on)


Fay looked at Justin with a surprised look.

Hehe this is gonna be priceless.

Now both Fay and Justin were blushing.It was an awkward silence for about 10 seconds.Sighh....both of them are so hopeless.Plus I feel like a third wheel here.I'm gonna have to help them again don't I?Of course I do.

Aaron:Well....I'll just leave you two alone....bye

And I started booking it.....behind a tree.

I stopped and listened.I know,I know...I'm not supposed to eavesdrop...but this is an opportunity of a life time...for me AND him!I can't lose it...I'm just gonna have to cheer on my friend from behind this tree....they won't even notice.They are too focused on who could blush the most during the awkward silence. Then I heard Justin started to speak...

Justin:U-Umm..I have to tell you something...

Fay:Me too....

Okay......good....that's a good start...keep going Justin...I'm cheering for you!Don't let me down bro!

Justin:E-Ever since.....I-I met you....I was r-really happy....Y-You were the only g-girl who would actually t-talk to me a-and you made me feel comfortable a-around you....

Okay....okay...C'mon Justin you could do it!Just say it directly!

Justin:Fay I....I.....l-l-love..... 

I noticed Fay's eyes grew wider and hold her she is really taking this in well.I waited for Justin to continue but I got impatient and I feel like I just wanted to jump out from behind the tree and say"JUST KISS ALREADY!".But I waited..He started to look around and almost spotted me...until his eyes caught a glimpse of a cute puppy chasing a butterfly.Oh no....nonononono don't say it....don't you dare say it Justin!

Justin:Puppies.I love puppies.

I face-palmed myself. Really Justin?Really?You HAD to say it.Ohh....god he needs help.I can even see Justin regretting what he said.Even Fay looked a little disappointed!I tried to continue on eavesdropping my best friend.

Justin:Yea!I wanted to tell you that I loved puppies!Why wouldn't anyone like puppies right?They are so cute and adorable. Hahaha..... 

I even had to sit down and rested my forehead on my hand.Sighh.... I really want to help him right now....but I can't. only wanted to say that?Oh okay....I was thinking you were saying something bad....hehe.....

 I feel so bad for Fay right now. 

Fay:Well...I have to tell you something too...Follow me. 

They both got up and walked towards a forest with the mountains.I had to follow them but I need to be stealthy too.She then stopped at a mountain and i stopped at a tall tree with a bunch of squirrels around it.They looked at me and i shushed them so that i don't get caught.Sigh....Blake Aaron Cortez....what are you doing communicating to squirrels.'ve been my best friend ever since I met you...I told you things about me and you told me things about you.But i didn't tell you ALL the things about me.This may sound crazy...but please believe me.I'd never lie to you.You're my friend and I trust you with this secret so...will you be able to keep it?

Justin:Umm...depends on how large the secret is....It's okay tell me.I would definitely believe you.

Fay:Okay....Justin..I'm not human...I'm an angel from above.The heavens.

What...Am I hearing this correctly?She's an angel?Like legit?I must be going crazy right now...talking to squirrels and a girl that say that she's an angel...sighh....I continued to listen.


Fay:I know it sounds crazy but I can prove it .

I watched as she turned around and started to shine.Her outfit changed and behind her were wings.They were white,pure,beautiful and she even lifted off the ground to show that they weren't fake.Her feathers from her wings scattered around and soon the wind picked some up and blew some in my direction.I caught one and hid.She even gave Justin one too.I touched the was real....really real...I just can't believe my eyes. mean...your 

 I watched as my poor friend tried to  organize his words and speak.

Fay:I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner...I needed to know if i could trust you.

Justin:I-It's fine....I guess your secret was bigger then my secret.

Fay:Hehe it too much?

Justin:N-no...umm...if your an angel..then that means that your home is.....

Justin looked up and and so did I.Okay I had to get out of here before Fay opens a portal to heaven or something and drags me in.But I'm glad I saw all of this.I went back home and waited for Justin to come back.

And when he did...I told him EVERYTHING.

I held up the feather in front of his face and said..

Aaron:'ve got an angel as your girlfriend now....Congrats.

Okay guys this is the end of Chapter 6!I hope you liked it!It might be a bit shorter then the rest but I'll do my best next.(Maybe)Stay angels!

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