Chapter 3.

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Chapter 3


I have calmed down now. Once i transform back i head to the house. I jump up to the bedroom on the first floor to find my 'mum' entering the room again. I take a deep breath and tell myself to be patient. When my 'mum' sees me she rushes in and gives me a suffocating hug.

" Where have you been? I was so worried!"

"Well, you shouldn't be," i assure her," I just needed some fresh air and-"

"Look," my 'mum' interrupted," i know this is hard for you to understand, but your father and i are just trying to do what's best for you"

I shook my head. Of course i understand. I mean, they're only human and humans always want to help and change people. My 'mum' sits down on the bed;  she gestures for me to do the same.I suppose i have no choice, so i do as i am told.

She looks nervous as she says " I think that we are both ready to talk about why you ran away. I know you might not want to talk about it but you've been acting more distant since you came back."

"Jenny, we don't need to get into this..." i start.

"This is exactly what i'm talking about" she points out. "You don't even call me mum anymore."

She looks sad, but she still has no reason to say it. "That's because you aren't my mum" i shout. I'm getting really stressed now, and i need to calm down, but Jenny just won't drop it.

"Well who else will be there to be your mum? If you're talking cabout your birth mother you're forgetting she isn't here anymore."

I feel like screaming. All of this just reminds me of what i lost: my pack. Maddy. But i still have my foster parents and i know that they're just concerned. I try to calm myself down as Jenny says "Ok, i'm sorry. I didn't mean to bring your mum into this. But we are your parents, too, Rhydian. Don't you think we deserve some answers?"

I nod slowly. I'm racking my brains to think of what to tell them. I hate lying, but what would happen if i told them the truth?


I feel tears rolling slowly down my cheeks. I make no effort to stop them as i wander aimlessly through the forest. Perhaps they were right, maybe i won't ever see Rhydian again. I don't even know where i am in Northumbria, if i am even there.

No, i can't think like that. We promised we'd find each other again, and Rhydian always keeps his promises. I am still tearing through the woods when i smell another wolfblood behind me. I turn round to see Jana.

"You're not taking your mum's cynical remark seriously, are you?" She asks cheekily. I don't reply because i really don't know the answer."Maddy?"

"She has a point, i mean, the forests around here are massive. Even if he did get past his foster parents, how could we find each other?"

"Oh Maddy, you know Rhydian. When he sets his mind to something, he always gets it." She puts a comforting hand on my shoulder as i sit down on a tree stump. "Anyway, why do you need to find him so quickly? I'm sure if you wait he'll find our pack."

I give her a sad look. "You don't understand. I never told you exactly  what happened on our last day in the human world."

"Look," she says," you don't have to tell me, but i will tell you that there is always a chance." I nod and put on a brave face.

"Now, that's enough cheese for one day, lets return to the pack." Jana starts leading me back.

I sigh and let her lead me on. Then a thought crosses my mind. "Jana, is there any way i can communicate with Rhydian using Eolas?" Eolas is a power that wolfbloods can use, enabling us to see things far away and find where people are.

Jana pauses as if she is debating whether or not to give me an answer. Finally she takes a deep breath and tells me.

"My father once told me of a few great wolfbloods who had the power to do that, but it may be a myth, it was so long ago."

"How did they do it?" I ask eagerly. Any way of finding Rhydian is crucial.

"Well, the story goes that two powerful wild wolfbloods used their powers to go into people's dreams. It took great power and others tried and failed, wondering if it was all a trick. No one knew if or how they had actually done it. I wish i could be more help, Maddy, but even my father didn't have the power to enter dreams in the human world."

It's probably a good think that Jana's father didn't enter our dreams, for he would probably use it against 'tame' wolfbloods. Alric, when he was thrown out of his own pack, blamed Rhydian for taking Jana away from him. Seeking revenge, he'd tried to kill me. I only just got away, reminding Alric that he was the one who abandoned Jana.

I know that this is a long shot and if true is near impossible to acomplish, but i have to find Rhydian. "Please, Jana," i beg her, "we have to try. Will you help me?"

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