Chapter 7.

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Hi guys, i am SOOO sorry i haven't uploaded in ages, i lost my phone. But i hope you like this chapter and don't forget to comment.


"I just don't know what to do with you, Rhydian." Mr Geoffreys sighs heavily, resting his head on his hand. I look around his office, trying desparately to find an excuse not to meet this gaze. "Only two days have passed since our last meeting, and you've already shouted at a member of staff and ditched TWO CLASSES!"

I decide to let him carry on talking to save being told off again; i think he's a bit angry...

"And don't even get me started on your grades." He looks at me as if he is waiting for a brilliant excuse...

My mind's blank.

"I'll try harder," i assure him.

"You better do, because if you're grades don't improve by next term, i'll have no choice but to expell you."

I feel like my body has been completely drained of hope; he can't do this! If i have to leave, i'll be more of an outsider than i already am.

"I'm sorry", he mutters, " but i really can't give you any more chances. I'll see you in class Rhydian." He nods towards the door.

I exhale deeply, glaring at him in frustration. He makes me so mad! If i'm quiet he says that i'm not contributing enough in class; if i talk he says that i am being rude! And now he is sitting here, talking down to me and telling me that i'm not good enough.

I get up and open the door, give him one more glare and pull the door closed, expecting it to slam... it doesn't.

I need some fresh air, so i run towards the school field. It's only Geography i'm missing anyway.

I am striding out of the school when Shannon comes towards me. I stop and turn towards her angrily.

"Shouldn't you be in class?" I mutter angrily as i sit down on the grass.

"I could ask you the same thing." Shannon sits on a patch of grass next to me; she obviously did not take my angry look as a hint to leave me alone.

"You need to stop pushing people away all the time, Rhydian," she continues. I can see that you're miserable, but you can't take it out on me and Tom. We're your friends."

"You can save me the lecture, okay, i've already had it from Geoffreys."I shake my head, stand up and am about to leave when Shannon grabs my arm.

"Fine, you can do what you want, carry on as a lone wolf again, but just think: what would Maddy have to sayabout this?"

I know she's just trying to help, but she has no right to bring Maddy into this.

I pull away from her grasp.

"You have no idea what it's like, having everyone around you tell you that you aren't good enough. So you get everything right, good for you. Well, maybe some of us aren't so perfect!"

I feel anger burning up inside of me, overpowering the hurt flashing up in Shannon's eyes.

Everythings going blurry.

I'm starting to panic.

"Rhydian, NO!!!"

That's when the world goes black.


"Absolutely not!"

"But mum, i know exactly what i'm-"

"No!" Mum interrupts, fuming. "I'm not letting you risk your life for some stupid boy!"

I feel ready to rip my hair out! She can't think that seeing Rhydian is the only reason why i want to come back!

"What about my other friends? I left my whole life behind, not just Rhydian. Don't think for a second i'm leaving that for ever!"

"Don't take that tone with me, young lady!" Mum snaps, her eyes turning yellow.

This shocks me so much that i take a step back. Mum has never lost control before, not even in the wild.

She's different now.

"Don't you see how much you've changed?" I ask. "Look at yourself!

You're hardly even my mum anymore," I whisper.

"Oh, give it a rest, Maddy!" Mum groans. "Your moaning isn't going to change anything. You're not leaving the pack, and that's final."

She strides off back in the direction of the den, and i mutter under my breath,

"Rhydian was right about you."

"What are you talking about, Maddy?" Asks a voice from behind.

"Dad! I- nothing- I, I just .."

Come on, think if something!

"I know when you're lying, Maddy; this is not nothing. When were you talking to Rhydian and what did he say?" Dad folds his arms and sits on the ground, motioning for me to do the same.

Oh, great! Now i have to tell him the truth. This wasn't in the plan!

"Ok, dad," i begin slowly, "don't freak out, but..."

Dad pulls a face. "Ok, now i'm scared." I let out a nervous laugh.

Then i take a deep breath and explain, "I had to find some way of talking to Rhydian, so i figured that i could use Eolas to contact him.

'Ja- someone- told me about this way to get into people's dreams using it." As i carry on, i examine Dad's expression to try and figure out what he is thinking.

Instead i find a blank face, devoid of all emotion. To be honest i don't know if this is a good thing of a bad thing.

I'm scared.

Dad nods his head slowly as i finish "And that's why i have to go. Rhydian's in trouble." I anxiously wait for him to respond.


Then, finally he says "You know i'm going to have to tell your mum."

"NO! You can't, please.. you know what she'd say."

Dad sighs, putting his hand through his hair. "I'll think about it." Then he walks away, leaving me standing on my own, thoughts whizzing through my head. I am about to follow him when i hear yet another voice coming from behind me.

"Interesting, very interesting."

I turn around and suddenly i'm paralysed with fear.

I have met him before, but i never thought that i would see him again.

"K-Kyle...!" i feel my voice trembling.

"Hello, Madeline Smith."

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