Chapter 8.

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  I can't see anything, just a figure in front of me.

All i can do is strike out and scream at the top of my voice, panicking until i hear Maddy's voice.


Suddenly i can see again, and i look around for Maddy; she's nowhere to be found.

But wait- i hear something.

A scream.

I turn around to see Shannon on the ground, crying with fear and being shielded by Tom. He helps Shannon to her feet and stares at me in terror. I scramble to her, though she cowers in terror. What have i done that has made her so afraid of me?

"Shannon?" I have never seen her so filled with terror.

"Get away from her!" Tom yells.

I don't understand. I have never blanked out like that before.

"I said, get AWAY!" He repeats. I suppose i have no choice but to obey; i turn my back and walk away. I hear Tom mutter again, under his breath,

"You monster."

I stop dead in my tracks and turn around, my throat tightening.

"What did you just call me?" I whisper unevenly.

"I called you a monster!" Shouts Tom, with such hatred in his voice that i don't even retaliate.They've never called me that. Even when i felt like a monster myself, i never accepted it; i always felt more like a human. But now i'm starting to think that they're right.

I am a monster.

I turn away again, but Tom grabs my shoulder and forces me to turn back.

"You know you can't just go around, ATTACKING people, and expecting to get away with it by walking away. We put up with you for Maddy, but now she's gone... things are going to change."


"Meaning you can stay AWAY from us! Shannon's my friend, so it's my job to protect her. She was Maddy's friend too, or did you forget that?"

The thought of Maddy fills me with guilt and anger. How could i do this? How could i hurt my only friend?

I turn around once more, and begin to walk away; this time Tom doesn't stop me.

I start at a steady pace, to make myself seem indifferent after what Tom said, but then i get more and more upset and break into a run, tears welling up in my eyes. But where can i go? I am NOT going back to my foser parents' house.

It was ok before i knew my real mum, but now that i do, it feels like we are just pretending to be family.

Anyway, i can't go back there, not knowing what i am capable of doing, not after i attacked my best friend!

I don't know where i am heading or what i am doing, only that i am not staying here.

Or so i think.


I force myself to look into his eyes, force myself not to run away from this cold, intimidating figure.

I know that it was him that saw me in wolf form, but he couldn't have known that it was me... could he?

And what else does he know?

I can't take any chances. "Can i help you?" I ask, trying desperately to keep my voice even.

"Don't play dumb with me, you know why i'm here." Kyle folds his arms, awaiting an answer.

I look away and run my hand through my hair. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"You remember me," he says innocently,"Don't you?"

I am silently panicking.

After awaiting a response, Kyle steps forward, making me quiver with fear.

"Let me refresh your memory. I found out about your little friend's search for her beast and decided to help her. What we found were two wolves, which would have been great publicity for me, except that Shannon decided to set them free." He puts his face right in front of mine. "Now, i could have just given up, but do you really think that's likely?"

I only stare at him, terrified of what he was about to say next.

"Well?" He shouts. I shake my head slowly. He then lowers his voice to a whisper. "Of course not. I stayed out there, in the woods of Stoneybridge,  knowing that any wolves that lived here would not leave the woods. Well, any normal wolves.

"That's whn i had the pleasure of bumping into a certain scientist, Doctor Whitewood."

I feel my head spinning, worries swarming around inside it. I try to run, but he grabs my wrist and throws me to the ground. As i let out a yell he bends down and faces me.

"It seems like you've heard of Doctor Whitewood. Well, you are looking at her business partner." I gasp as he continues. "And it seems that these are no ordinary wolves."

I look around me, desperate to escape.

"You can't run, Maddy, you can't escape. Unless you want your precious friend hurt."

WHAT? How can he do this?

Ok, i'm seriously panicking now, there's no way out.

What does he want with me?

"You wouldn't let that happen, though. So you're going to do exactly what i tell you, aren't you, Madeline?"

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