Chapter 3

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Marks POV:
I make my self comfortable with (Y/n)'s cushions. I rest my head against them as I kick the blanket around me trying to find warmth within in it. Not succeeding I throw the blanket onto the ground.
"Oh f*ck it" I growl.
I take a long deep breath and exhale, starring at the ceiling I'm overwhelmed with thoughts. About (y/n).
She's so unbelievably gorgeous
I wonder why she chose me...
Was I the only one available?
C-could I possibly be in love?
What even is love?
What about the other emotions... happy? Sad?
Wh..what abo...
I figure that I'm dozing off, I let it happen.
{time skip to early morning}
Your POV:
I moan as I roll to check my clock beside my bed, 6:30am... wait what? Why am I awake this early? Hmm maybe I could get some more sleep...?
I roll and kick in my bed until I finally fling the blanket off of me slide off my bed. I growl and look into the mirror in front, I sigh and start to get dressed.
I slide on my favourite pair of jeans and a grey jacket with a clean white shirt with a pleasing pattern on it. I dig through the accessories I had but decide not to wear any. I walk down the hallway to hear slightly heavy breathing coming from the couch.
I stand there confused of what it was then it clicked.
Y/n): m- Mar- Mark?
Mark: wh- what? What happened?
I giggle and help him up, he checks he time
Mark: (y/n)... do you always wake up this early?
He had a tired confused face pasted on him.
Y/n): no, I don't wake up at this time at all.
I pat him on the shoulder and took a deep breath. He gave me a smile, then yawns.
Mark: what are we going to do today?
Y/n): I'm not sure... probably go grocery shopping and some other stuff, have a look around, yeah? But first let's have some breakfast. Do you like eggs or bacon? (Or if you're vegetarian, salad and Banana pancakes).
Marks POV:
Mark: is both an option?
She smiled and nodded, I smiled back and flopped back onto the couch. Starring at the ceiling, I make patterns with my finger.
I then hear myself mumble:
"G... G... Google... G... G"
My eyes widen, I can't stop myself. What's going on? I see (Y/n) about to walk out with the two plates of delicious looking meals.
I cover my mouth quick and it stopped,
Y/n): Mark... you ok?
I tilt my head up, her eyes greeting mine. She had a confused, slightly worried face.
Mark: uhh umm yeah... just hungry...
she cheekily grinned and handed me my plate, with a fork and knife.
I sat up and moved over so she could sit beside me, she cocks her legs up so she could rest her plate on her laps.
I dug in, wow. This is really good... I munch on the dish. (Y/n) finished first, then me just after.
Y/n): want me to put your plate away? We'll clean it later.
I hand her my plate and sat back for a bit.
(Y/n) came back into the room,
Y/n): do you have other clothes you could change in or...?
Mark: umm... no I don't think so, they only gave me one set of clothes I guess.
(Y/n) had a blank face... she then looked like she was thinking.
Y/n): I think I've got some boy clothes in my wardrobe, we could have a look. We'll have to buy you some fresh clothes today.
... why does she have boy clothes in her wardrobe? I think about that and stand up, I followed (Y/n) to her room and watched as she chucked clothes everywhere.
Y/n): ahh here we go, some nice pair of jeans and a shirt, perfect.
She hands me the clothes until I feel a sudden urge to let out something in my lower body, I didn't know how to react so I just grabbed the area and danced awkwardly.
I hear (Y/n) snicker, which then turned into a high pitched laugh.
What's going on? Why is she laughing at me and not telling me what to do. I feel as if I'm gonna explode.
She finally calms herself,
Y/n): d- do you n-need to go the t- t- toilet?
She wipes her eyes.
Mark: wha- what? A toilet?
She begins to breath heavily and took my hand, she was shaking and felt weak... did I say something?
She drags me into a small, white and blue room with a tank that had two knobs and a curved tap? And a giant, tall rectangular window this the same things. Expect the curved thing wasn't curved it had a head with lots of little dots, with drops of water coming out of it.
I flinch as (Y/n) gripped my arm a bit tighter,
She was pointing to a weirdly shaped box, bowl thing... it had a lid. I open it slightly to see a bowl shape with water at the bottom.
Y/n): you know how to use this... right?
I felt sick and looked up at (Y/n), I gulped.
Mark: uuhaha n- no...
I worriedly smile, (Y/n) notices of how pale I was.
She rubs my back and gave me instructions.
Y/n): ok, now do you know what to do?
I nod slightly confused still, but I think I had it.
Y/n): I'm going to go get you're clothes and you can get dressed in here okay.
Mark: ok
There was a sudden shake when I said that, she laughed again
Y/n): oh you're so cute
I could feel my face burn intensely, I whip my head away from hers so she couldn't see mine.
I heard the door close.
Your POV:
As soon as I said those words I tried to quickly close the door without making it awkward, I was heating up with all the butterflies and smiles. I walk into my room and sit on the bed.
Gah, what is it with him? He's a robot, seriously... but maybe it's me, maybe I'm thinking too much about having feelings for a robot.
I sigh and jump onto my back, landing on my soft mattress.
"Maybe I do love him..."
G,day boys and girls
How are you doing? Man this was a long chapter, but hey I hope you guys liked it.
It was legit 1003 words. (I feel like I'm over exaggerating all of this and it's probably like the kind of number babies could count to...)
Anyway, are you enjoying this story? Let me know and I'll try to comment back.
But thank you guys for taking your time to read a story made by a 13 yr old who probably doesn't know what she's doing and should now stop this rambling shiz because it is probably annoying most of yous...
Ok, catch ya later,
~ Bappy Chap♥️

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