Chapter 11

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 " Do we really have to share a room?" Amber whined.

 " You don't. Why don't you just poof off somewhere and have your own privacy." I retorted.

 We'd stoped at some cheap motel, trying to use as little money as possible. We didn't dip into the fortune Martha left us, that was saved for the bigger items. Like a home, food and clothes. Sure we could manifest just about anything,but James wants to leave the money to a minimum. Feels to much like stealing he said.

 " Theres an empty room upstairs." Amber said, " No one is in there, So see you guys later." She vanished into thin air.

 I turned to the rest of the gang. Chloe and Kate were fast asleep on the bed. A new bed that we manifested after Kate accidentally incinerated the other ones, trying to rid them of the germs and god-knows-what-else. Felix and the Twins were patroling the area from above and below. So far they haven't picked up any scents. Hopefully we lost them and won't be running into anymore trouble. But if anything did happen, Felix would howl.

 I looked over at James, whose eyes were focused on nothing in  particular. He hasn't spoken a word since we've checked in. I sat beside him, placing my head on his shoulder.

 " Everything okay?" I asked softly.

 " I guess." He said. His voice scared me. He sounded empty, of all emotion.

 I snuggled closer to him, " Talk to me. Tell me what's wrong."

 " Ash." He breathed. Barely audible, but I heard him. I felt like crying myself when I saw the tears he was holding back well up in his eyes. He blinked rapidly trying to hold them back but one tear mangaged to escaped and flow in a single wet line down to the tip of his chin.

 I wrapped myself around him holding him, he huged me back eagerly.

 " I'm sorry." I wispered, stroking his silky waves. " He's happy now, with Martha. Trust me."

 I knew it was true. From what Amber had told me, just a glimpse of heaven was enough to make you feel warm, safe, and happy. I nuzzled my head closer in the crook of his neck, taking in his spicy scent.

 " I love you." He wispered.

 "  Love you too." I murmered into his skin.

 We held each other like that for the remander of the night. Not talking, just holding each other, ran his fingers through my hair repeatedly until the both of us fell asleep.


  I opened my eyes to see a pretty, but annoyed face staring down at me. I screamed, and jumped back. She rolled her eyes.

 " Chill out would ya?" Amber placed a hand on her hip. " You look like you've seen a ghost."

She smiled slightly at her little joke.

 " Oh, haha you're hilarious." I frowned.

 " I know that." She said as if it were obvious. " Now get dressed. We're leaving."

 I stood up, and streatched my limbs. A yawn escaped my lips. I walked over to the small bathroom to quickly brush my teeth and change.

 " Where's everyone?" I asked leaving the motel room.

 " Outside waiting for your slow behind." She said smartly.

 " What?"

 " I said-"

 " Ever." I laughed, a warm feeling of victory sweeping through me. I got her back.

 " Shut up." She growled.

 Outside Chloe and Kate leaned agains the car while Felix and James put a few bags and boxes in the trunk

 " Where'd all the stuff come from?" I asked walking up to them.

 " Daniel and David decided to pick up a few things for the new house. " Kate smiled.

 " Them two just don't know when to quit it. Now is just not the time to shop." Chloe shook her head in dissapointment.

 " Just because we're on the run," Daniel called out of the window.

 " Does not mean we need to live in poor taste." David concluded.

 " We're ready to go." James said shutting the trunk and walking around to the drivers side.

 " How come you get to drive?" Felix complianed.

" Cause I'm the only one with a licence." He grinned flashing the peice of plastic.

 We took of down the highway, heading south, it was only an hour or so before we reached the big city of Manhattan. The traffic was terrible.

 " So, um, Witchie." Amber asked James. " How exactly are we gonna get a house?"

 " There should be an abandon building we could just move into." Daniel offered.

 " Just fix it up, manifest the ownership papers and we're good to go." David smiled, clearly liking the idea.

 '' Look." Kate said pointing to a large brick building that didn't look too run-down.

 " Perfect." James said parking infront of the building.

" Mabey we can turn the down stairs into a club." Amber smiled brightly.

 " And have the upstairs just be where we sleep." Chloe added eagerly.

 " That way we can make money and have a place  to stay." Amber said excitedly. " My mind is brilliant!"

 " Whatever Amber," I said getting out of the car with the rest to check it out. " Is the door open?"

 The outside of the building was completely brick, and had every single door covered with boards. James wiggle the rusted door knob.

  " Locked." He sighed.

 Amber rolled her eyes and walked through the front door. She smiled wide when she opened it for us.

 " Welcome to Casa Magick Freaks. In that  right corner over there you'll see a hefty bag full of worthless scrap wood. To the right is a moldy carpet swerming with grossness, and towards the back is a disguting and totally out of style sofa." 

  The  smell of the builing was sour and over whelming. " This is gonna take alot of work."

 James smiled at me. " Then we better get started."


Well i added a little bit more, not much but still. Thanks for reading! Don't forget to vote/comment!

Song: Lights Out- Hollywood Undead

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