Chapter 17

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*James' POV*

  How dare she? How dare she choose that mutt over me? After all I've done for her. After all I've taught her. If it weren't for me she wouldn't have known of her power.

And yet she still chooses him.

She ran with him.

After she hurt me.

I hate her, I hate him, I hate that stupid ghost girl, and the gay twins, and the fey girls.

Hate 'em all.

I hope they all die. Mabey I'll have to do it myself. I'm powerful enough.

I shook the rest of the glass from me. I was bleeding in multiple places.

The sun was peering over the horizon, it burned my eyes.

I ran.

And kept running, till the building I was once staying in dissapeared from sight.


*Amber's POV*

I didn't tell anyone about the shadows I saw around James, how he seemed a little off . I didn't tell them about how his eyes were blood shot, and how he didn't quite seem like the happy-go-lucky James Cruz anymore. Mabey  I should've. Or mabey I was loosing my mind.

 I rubbed my hands up and down my arms but that didn't help soothe the cold. My bones ached from it. I reached for the blacket absent mindedly. My heart sunk when I couldn't feel it. I couldn't feel anything. I wanted to cry, but Amber Smith doesn't cry. But God did I want to.

I was alone in Myra's room. Running my hands over everything hoping I could actually feel them. It was like a thin piece of glass over my skin, keeping me from experiencing the outside world.

 I regreted ever getting in her face of my stupid boyfriend, I regreted alot of things I've done. Being spiteful and rude. What I would give to go back in time and change everything. Tears pricked my eyes, I hated the person  I used to be.

I felt something wet run down my cheek, a tear escaped through my lashes.  I realized something.

I felt it.

I laughed, and more tears spilled from my eyes. I didn't care anymore, as long as I was feeling something. I felt lighter, less burdened, less cold. The air around me increased a few degrees. Mabey things would get better after all.

A scream echoed from down stairs. I went back to my normal cold, unfeeling self, and a feeling of dread sat it's self in the pit of my stomach.

Mabey I spoke to soon.


Myra's POV

I couldn't believe what had just happened. I was shaking, and terrified. Felix put his hand on my shoulder and I screamed.

" Sorry." I said, and sat down on the nearest velvet couch.

" It's 'kay." He mumbled.

" What the heck is goin' on?" Chloe said running down the stairs, Kate behind her.

" Wheres James?" Kate asked.

I had no idea what to say to that, but Felix aswered for me.

" James isn't- he's not- he's not himself any more. He changed."

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