Chapter 12

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 " Where do we even begin?" I said, wanting to sit but afriad I'd catch something if I did.

 " Uh first lets get rid of that gross sofa." Amber sugested. " Kate, why don't you burn the crap out of it."

 " No problem." Kate smiled and aimed her palm at the couch. White hot flame shot out, insinertating the sofa in a matter of seconds, then turning her attention to the scrap wood and anything else burnable.

 "All done." She said blowing the smoke from the tips of her fingers.

 The room was completely empty, except for the piles of ash on the linolium floor. Closing my eyes, I manifested a broom and dustpan and held them out to Amber. She looked at me as if I'd lost my mind.

 " Are you crazy?" She scoffed.

 " A little." I grinned and waved the broom infront  of her face. " Now sweep."

 Frowning, she grabbed the broom and swept the dust and ash into the pan. The room already looked a little better.

 " The guys can fix the walls and ceiling. We clean and decorate." Chloe said taking the broom from Amber. " Myra can you make some more cleaning supplies?"

 " Sure thing." I said, manifesting almost every cleaning item I could think of.

 " Why don't you just make a maid appear?" Amber said grabbin a duster.

" You can't create people, only man-made things." I rolled my eyes.

 " Well you kinda need a man to make babies," She retorted.

" Oh, my god." I shook my head helplessly. " I just don't know about you sometimes."

 She shrugged her shoulders and started dusting the counters.


 I took almost two days, but we did it. And if I do say so myself it looked pretty damn awesome.

The whole downstairs was turned into a dance floor and bar. The walls were painted metallic silver, which had a cool affect on the purple and blue lighting and Chloe's vines,  that weren't blooming yet. In the far right corner  was purple velvet chairs and silver and blue throw pillow. " The V.I.P. section," Amber said.

 Across from that was the D.J. booth, Felix was in charge of the music, and a stage for Kate and other dancers. The name of the club was Mystic. We were holding dancing auditions next weekend, and open up the club in three weeks, once everything is perfect.

 Upstairs looked like a simple one story, seven bedroom house. Once again Amber complain about her lack of a bedroom, and insisted that she sleep downstairs in the V.I.P. section. I had no problem with that as long as she didn't screw it up. The walls upstairs were painted white, with black abstract designs, painted by Daniel and David. Who knew they were such good artists?  The furniture was all red, white, and black. The apliences in the kitchen were stainless steel.

 Chloe was cooking dinner, and need I say, she must have been a chef in another life. The smell of steak and potatoes wafted in from the kitchen, sending my drool sensors on overload.

We were in the living room discussing flyer ideas.

 " Just write: 'Flame Dancers wanted' and then the adress." Kate said impatiently.

 " But how will they know?" Amber argued. " The outside still looks like an abandoned brick building."

" Well then we'll just put a sign outside! In big bright letters that says, ' Club Mystic. Oh by the way we're all runaway Supernatural fugitives!" Kate exclaimed.

" Stop being so paranoid. They have no clue where we are. And plus, the last thing they expect fugitives to do is open a nightclub." Amber said walking around the glass coffee table.

" Will you sit down?" I asked her. Watching her slightly translucent figure walking in circles was giving me a headache.

She shrugged and ploped down into the white leather beanbag.

" Happy?" She raised an eyebrow.

"Yes." I yawned.

" You know Amber's right." Felix said. I stared at him.

 " Of course I am." She snorted.

 " The last thing they'll thing we'd do is go to the big Apple and open a club. They'll be busy searching the woods and never heard of towns. Mabey even othe countries." He said.

 " And the workers there weren't too bright. If they were they wouldn't have bothered kidnapping us. " James joined in.

 " I still think we should report them." David said.

 " And say what?" Kate frowned. " A bunch of God-Fanatics captured us and tried to take our magick. Yeah, and hen the cops will look us in another mental home."

" Still." He sighed. " If someone doesn't stop them. They'll just keep taking other supernaturals. I mean what are the odds that seven of us wind up at the same school. There has to be more out there. There's probly a ton in New York."

 " There is." Felix said. " I can smell another wolf pack. Tons of Fey too. Shape-shifters, witches, even a few vamps."

 " I knew it! " Amber exclaimed making me jump. " Do they look like Edward from Twilight?"

 '' No. Theres two types of vampires just like theres two types of wolves or witches. Good and Bad. Accept the bad vampires are dead, well undead, and kill. Living vamps are like people, just super fast and strong, and need a little blood every now and then." 

" Oh," She said sounding a little dissapointed.

" Wait. If theres more Supernaturals how come they haven't aproached us?" James asked.

 " Because, either they don't know what we are, or they have other things on their mind. I bet a few fire fey will show up for the dance auditions."

Kates eyes brightened. '' I hope so, mabey I can learn more tricks."

 " Anyother ghosts?" Amber asked, not actually seeming interested.

 " You can't smell ghosts. Only see 'em." Felix explained. She just shrugged.

 " Come get Ya'll food!" Chloe yelled from the kitchen, and we raced to get our meals.


  Yes i had a vain moment and named the club after me. LOL. Oh well.

So things are gonna be a little melow in the next chapter, kinda like this one but don't worry things will speed up. And if you want a secret hint about what happens at the end of the book just message me.  Sorry for any spelling mistakes. Thanks for reading, vote/ comment! I love you all :)

Song: Perfect Weapon- Black Veil Brides

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