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  When they get to a hospital the officer escorts them in and a nurse tries to separate Callie and Lincoln but Lincoln just starts screaming until she finally relents and lets them be in the same exam room. After the exams the nurse left them alone to go and file something... Callie didn't really listen to what she said, she just knew that she had to get them out of there. They had given her and Lincoln sweats and a t-shirt to put on and right now Lincoln was tracing the dinosaur that was on the front of his shirt. Callie hadn't said much during the exam and Lincoln hadn't said anything at all since they found them, Callie didn't even give them their names. Callie got up from the bed and looked out the door and saw that the hallway was clear. She slipped out without Lincoln noticing and without the nurses noticing too, she went and found herself a pair of slip-on shoes and a pair of flip flops that would fit Lincoln and quickly headed back to the room. "Hey," she says quietly as she slips back into the room and Lincoln looks up at her, not noticing that she was gone being too entranced in his shirt. "We gotta go, okay," Callie says quietly slipping the flip flops on his feet and quickly picking him up. "We've gotta be quiet alright?" Lincoln just shakes his head and holds on to Callie as she leaves the room and goes out a side door and they get further from the hospital. On her way around the hospital Callie had pickpocketed a couple of guys and got their wallets, she wasn't exactly proud of this but she had to get some money to get them home. Now she just had to hope she had enough to get them home.  

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