After they ate Robert said they should get them to her moms and Callie agreed and she wanted to see her moms but she knew that Lincoln wouldn't react very well to getting into a car. That's the reason she took the train with him. As they went out to the garage Lincoln started to fuss just seeing the car, "It's okay, Lincoln, I'm here," Callie said to him quietly. Callie got in the back with Lincoln buckling them both into the seat so she was still holding him.
"Is he alright?" Robert asks, looking back at the two as he opened the driver door.
"He doesn't really like cars," Callie says, "He'll be okay." Robert just gets in and starts the car. Lincoln fell asleep on Callie's chest as they made their way to her parents house, and Callie tried to stay awake but she'd stayed awake on the train to look after Lincoln, she was tired now and knew she was safe with Robert so she let herself fall asleep for the first time without thinking that she can't to keep them safe.
When Robert pulls into the Adams Foster household he looks back and sees Callie and Lincoln asleep, he smiles at that; this is probably the first time in a while that they've been able to sleep and be safe. Robert opens the door and the light woke Callie from her sleep, "Hey," Robert says as he turns to look at her, "We're at your Mom's." Callie just shakes her head and unbuckles her and Lincoln who was still asleep. Callie gets out of the car and picks up Lincoln as she does this his eyes open and he's now awake.
"Hey," Callie says to him walking with Robert up to the door, "We're at my Mom's house now," Lincoln just shakes his head and looks over at Robert who is walking next to them.
"Your daddy not with your mommie?" Lincoln says quietly to Callie and Callie just smiles at that.
"Not exactly. I have two sets of parents," she says to Lincoln, "My mommie died when I was little, and I didn't know about Robert until I was 17. My Mom's adopted me and my brother, Jude. I have two moms and a dad now." Lincoln just shakes his head as Callie and Robert are now at the door. Callie doesn't know if they should knock or just go in, Robert knocks on the front door and stands there waiting for an answer. When the door opens it's Jesus that opens the door and sees that it's Callie and Robert, the first thing he does is shout for Moms. Callie comes in the door and Jesus pulls her into a hug not caring if he was squishing Lincoln too, Robert comes in the house and closes the door as Stef and Lena come down the stairs.
"What is going on?!" Stef says quickly before she sees Callie and Lincoln. Stef goes over to Callie and pulls her into a hug squishing Lincoln again and Lincoln squirms in Callie's arms and makes a noise. Callie sets him down on his feet by her legs and Lincoln stays plastered by her side as Callie hugs Stef as Lena joined her in the hug.
"These your mommies?" a little voice came from below them was what broke up the hugs as Stef and Lena pulled back from Callie and Callie looked down at Lincoln.
"Yeah, these are my mommies," she says with a smile pulling a hand through his hair, it was starting to get long again.
"Who's this?" Lena asks.
"This is Lincoln," Callie says.
"I should get going," Robert says, "I'm so glad you're okay," Robert says pulling Callie into a hug saying goodbye and leaves the house.
Callie and Lincoln go over to the couch and Callie picks Lincoln up sitting him on the couch, "You stay here and I'm gonna go talk to my moms, like before," Lincoln just shakes his head yeah.

Lincoln & Callie
FanfictionCallie knew that she had to keep him safe. They had gotten away from him and were now going home, but the only thing that she could think of was she wanted to protect Lincoln.