At Roberts

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When she walked up to the door she rang the doorbell hoping that they were home. She just wanted to get somewhere safe. It was Sophia who answered the door, when she saw it was her Sophia's face lit up seeing her sister. She quickly threw her arms around Callie and hugged her not really noticing Lincoln yet. "Hey, Soph," Callie says quietly.

"Where have you been?" Sophia asks quickly then she looks at Lincoln, "Who's this?" Lincoln had woken up when Sophia hugged Callie and now had his eyes open slightly.

"This is Lincoln," Callie says trying to get Lincoln to look at her sister but he still had his head buried in her neck, peeking out occasionally to look at Sophia, "This is my sister Sophia," Callie says and Lincoln just shakes his head a bit.

"Come inside," Sophia says and Callie comes in wondering where her dad was. Callie laid Lincoln down on the couch when they got into the living room he had already fallen asleep again the day traveling worn him out and then went over to her sister hugging her again.

"It's really good to see you," Callie says.

"Where have you been?" Sophia asks quickly, "They said... you were missing. Is he your son?" Sophia asks quickly.

"No, Sophia. He's not my son. Just trying to protect him, because no one else was. I was taken," Callie says and Sophia looks worried, "Lincoln was the son of another girl that was there. She didn't make it out. I'm trying to keep him safe."

"Oh my God..." Sophia says as Robert came in from the back yard.

"Callie!" He shouted moving over to her and pulling her into a hug but him shouting her name woke Lincoln up and he started to cry waking up to a strange place. Callie quickly pulls out of Roberts arms and picks Lincoln up shushing him trying to get him to calm down.

"Hey Dad," Callie says, Callie looks down at Lincoln saying, "This is my Dad, Robert," Callie points over to Robert and Lincoln looks over at him for a second. "This is Lincoln," Callie says to Robert and Sophia.

"Where were you? What happened? Is he..." Robert says quickly going over to Callie and Lincoln pulling them into a hug again not wanting to let go.

"We're alright now," Callie say putting her head on her dad's chest.

"Do your moms know that you're here? What happened Callie?" Robert asks as he pulls away from her.

"This was closer to the train station then moms, I just wanted to get to somewhere safe; not be out with him," Callie says.

"Callie I'm hungry," a little voice came from Lincoln, one that Callie hasn't heard in awhile.

"Okay," Callie says.

"Let's make you guys something to eat," Robert says and head to the kitchen, Callie carrying Lincoln and Sophia following him. Callie doesn't know what to say to them, she just wanted to keep Lincoln safe.   

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