Schools Bad Boy (1) {Justin}- Cute & Protective

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Your P.O.V

I silently make my way inside of the classroom where I'm going to have history. If you ask me, I love history, just in general is so interesting and the fact that you're learning about your ancestors and the past of the humanity. I placed my books on the top of my table, which is located on the second row.

The only thing that I hate about history class is not even the teacher, but who seats besides me - Matt.

Matt is the kind of guy that girls wouldn't mind be with, but at the same time he should be the first candidate to the school's biggest jerk. His favourite hobby is by far, annoy me. Me and my best friend support each other a lot and Matt takes advantage of that and makes jokes about us.

Jokes that everybody laughs about. And they are not even that funny. The thing is, no matter who you are, if you are a girl, he will make jokes about you. Even the cheerleaders had problems with him, that was until Ashley's boyfriend, Jake, stepped in the situation and made sure the football team would joke about him an entire week, which made Matt skip school for 3 days in a row. It was pretty intense for Matt but his jokes aren't funny and people that are affected by it end up suffering from deep emotional problems.

In the other hand, when you don't laugh at his jokes, you get laugh at by him and you're one step closer to be his next victim.

All in all, it's a non stop cycle.

After been 10 minutes in class and, luckily, free of Matt's jokes, the teacher stops the class to make a certain someone stop with his bad behaviour.

"Justin? Would you mind telling the class why you are throwing paper balls at other people?" The teacher sassed. Everybody turned their gazes to the back of the class where Justin was.

I might or might not feel a bit attracted by Justin. I mean, his bad boy's look, his brown golden hair styled perfectly in a sexy quiff and his losen up clothes. He looked at me briefly before speaking out loud, "Nothing teacher, keep going, keep going." He chuckled and that simple act made the whole class break lose in fists of laughter.

That's another thing about Justin, whatever he says, he always make people laugh and, been famous in school, people are always willing to do whatever he says.

So if he tells a joke, you laugh. No questions asked.

Thankfully, students weren't the victims of his jokes - that I sometimes find funny. The teachers are laughed at when they are around Justin and groups of people.

"Are you playing with me Justin?" The teacher asked. Justin simply looked at the teacher with a grin in his face. "Front row, now." She simply said. History teacher wasn't mean at all, she was actually pretty cool, even for Justin, but sometimes he just crosses the line.

Justin glanced at me one more time before he nonchalantly asked, "There?" He pointed to the seat right in front of me. The teacher looked at where he was pointing and nodded. "Yes right there."

"Okay." Justin casually said and quickly grabbed his almost empty backpack and jogged over to the seat right in front of me.

Justin sat on his new seat, of course, while the whole class was watching and enjoying the show. He smiled at me before he actually sat down. "Hey Y/N." He said smiling at me. "Hey." I smiled back.

Me and Justin aren't officially 'friends' but we can have nice conversations from time to time and he is actually a kind of good person. At least he doesn't make jokes about me. Like never. I noticed from the corner of my eye that Matt looked at Justin and smirked. "Yo Justin?"

"Hmm," Justin hummed in response without even looking back at Matt. Probably because he was more focus on not get the teachers attention back at him.


"Have you ever wondered what Y/N eats? Cuz damn girl you have to lose some weight!" He fell into fists of laughter as I looked at him in disbelief. Wait.. what..? Am I that fat? Oh my..

No Y/N, he just wants to get to you...

I think nobody in class heard what he said because no one was laughing. But my theory was wrong, Justin heard what Matt said and I was dumbfounded to what happened next.

Justin flipped out of his chair, making it fall on the ground loudly as he held a fist near his waist that supported the visible waistband of his boxers. "The fuck did you said!?" He grabbed Matt's shirt while I flinch back at the sudden and violent movement.

The whole class didn't seem a bit surprised by Justin's actions, but I, on the other hand was extremely surprised by it. Was he defending me? Or probably he just found Matt too much annoying? Flinching at Justin, Matt raised his hands in defence as he looked at Justin widen eye. The teacher did the same as she stopped dead in her tracks of talking about the Cold War. "Justin man what are you doing?" Matt finally spoke up.

"The fuck do you think you are!?" Justin ignored Matt's statement and gripped on his shirt even tighter. The teacher stood in the middle of the class watching the scene. Above all, my dad always told me to never get in between a men fight. You can get seriously hurt.

One of Justin's friends, Ryan, stood up from the back of the class, "Justin don't do anything stupid." Ryan calmly warned his best friend and Justin's eyes looked back at him.

"Stupid are this guy's jokes and his ugly ass face," he turned to look back down at Matt, who stood still, with fear in his eyes. "I've been hearing you saying a bunch of shit the entire fucking week and I'm done with your motherfucking mouth."

At this point, Ryan, Chaz and Alfredo stood up from the back of the room, their chairs making a lot of noise while the boys got up. They immediately rushed over Justin to grab his arms if need. "Justin let go, come on." Chaz said and grabbed one of Justin's arms. "Dude it's not worth it." Alfredo added.

"Come on man, let go of the boy." Ryan warned one last time before Justin eyed Matt before his eyes met mine. He stood there for a second, locking eyes with me, while the whole class was watching everything, including Chaz, Ryan and Alfredo.

He then turned to look once more to Matt, "You're lucky she is watching, because if she wasn't, I would've fucked up your face already." And with that, he stormed off.


[Part 2? Tell me what you think.]

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