Italian Romance

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"If liberty is dear to you, may you never discover that my face is love's prison." - Leonardo Da Vinci.


La Spezia, Italy.

The sun was shining bright through the thin curtains of Y/N's room, while she, desperately, did her make up in a worry.

Turning off the music that was longing annoying her already stressed state of mind, Y/N looked over at the time and widened her eyes.

"Really Justin!? How can I be ready by 9:30!? Jerk." She rolled her eyes while speaking to herself and moving the black painted mascara brush through her long lashes in a worry to get ready for, the promising, marvelous day that Justin guaranteed to the day before.

It was now 9:24am and she knew that Justin would be at her house by, exactly, 9:30, like he said he would. He never took any more minutes to see her, to be with her.

Justin, being the influence of a man he was in the modern today's business world, was always asked for his presence at any kind of money related events and, although he was very ponctual at all times of his compromises, the presence he ever desired the most, was Y/N's.

For that, the man the most knew as being arrogant and unthoughtful towards others, became a character of equal level such as a servant of the most highly in the world. He lived for her happiness and desires, not for his money or wishes.

Surely, what he most wanted in his life was her happiness and, as justly important, Justin longed to be the one that made her so.

Y/N rushed putting on her heels as soon as she heard a car honk coming from the outside and a bell ring from downstairs. Looking one last time at her mirror, she softly smiled to herself, grabbed her purse and jogged downstairs, quickly wanting to be with her year and an half boyfriend that she so deeply loved.

She abruptly opened the door and that immediately bring Justin to smile widely at her, pushing his body weight away from his extremely highly priced car and giving small steps towards his beautiful girlfriend.

Taking in with each breeze of fresh air that passed through his body, Justin admired the woman that took his heart with her and held it in her delicate hands. Although the young adult didn't like to admit it, Y/N had him head over heels for her and got him facing a feeling that was as unknown as herself before they met, love.

"You're looking gorgeous, angel." He softly muttered on her ear as soon as she approached him. Y/N smiled at the words and kissed him lightly on the lips.

"Thank you Jay." She pronounced the nickname he held so affection for and took her lips on another kiss, this one, ever so desirable.

"Where are we going?" Y/N asked while buckling her seatbelt after both were settled comfortably in the car. Justin looked over at her with a smirk on his face and Y/N immediately rolled her eyes.

"It's a surprise." She mocked, realising she wasn't going to get him to say where they were heading. He laughed and with one last look at his lover, he took off from her house towards the unknown destination.

A 10 minutes ride became an half an hour drive and finally Y/N had an hint of to where they were heading to, a traditional decorated like coffee shop, at the low grounds near the busy streets of La Spezia, small looking, surrounded by colourful Italian vintage buildings, with narrow windows and the different smells of coffees, breads and such of morning like foods.

Justin grabbed Y/N's hand softly in his left hand that wore a Longines Master Silver Golden watch on his wrist, partly covered by his usual business attire that he always so casually wore.

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