School's Bad Boy (2) {Justin}- Cute & Protective

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Justin P.O.V

I rushed out of the classroom, almost like jogging. I rapidly walked in the hallway, until I finally reached the entrance of the school. Matt said dumb shit about Y/N again and I was so not gonna have it. Every freaking day he manages to pull out a joke about someone.

Lucky for him, he never got to put my name on his dirty mouth.

On the other hand, Y/N's name is always on it. Why the freaking fuck does he jokes about Y/N? Especially about her weight, like seriously dude that's just low, you know how girls are so insecure about that.

Matt is not even a big of a deal to girls, I never have seen him with a girl under his arm. Sure I heard about some hook ups, but I never saw him with one girl only. He is trash believe me.

And when I heard what he was saying about Y/N, let me tell you, I lost my shit. Of course I would defend a girl from him, I mean if it was my mom in their places I would defend her, that's how I was raised. But when it comes to Y/N, I become like 10 times more protective.


Cuz I like her... and to be the fuck honest, I love liking her. She is this amazing girl, who cares about people. Once, when I went to the principal, she came check up on me. And to add, something that I find extremely attractive, she doesn't go around with every guy. She has self respect, and I love every single bit of it.

I grabbed my phone and texted Fredo,


Yo, I need you to do me a favour man.

I pressed send and soon enough I got a reply,


Alright bro, what is it?


I need you to keep my backpack with you, I will not go back inside I'm so done with that mitherfucker and if I go back I will break his legs in front of my girl.

Then again, my thumb pressed send. I slightly smiled at the nickname I gave Y/N. My girl. She never said she likes me or anything, but she never said she didn't either.

Deep down, I hope one day she says she likes me.

I can only hope. What girl wants to have a bad boy as a boyfriend? Well sure not Y/N.

Whenever I talk to her randomly about what she wants to be in the future, she always makes reference to a guy that can emotionally provide for her with love and respect.

I don't think she considers me as a guy who can do that. But so you know...I actually can...


Got it.


Thanks man. Btw how is Y/N? Is she okay? Do I need to go back inside?


No, but tbh Y/N is freaking out right now.

My heart stopped. She is freaking out about what that fucker said to her? For everything it's holy I better not even dream about Matt saying one more shit about her or to her again or I swear I will lose my shit.


Fuck it. Forget about the plan, I'm going in. That little shit better be ready.

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