Lost In the Woods {Jusin}- Supernatural

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Whenever a wolf finds a mate, he must keep contact with his mate. Each and every mate finds a way to meet each other. It's created by destiny.

And destiny always wins.


Justin's P.O.V

"I want to find my mate so much and when I do, I will never let her go." Ryan confessed. Everybody around the camp fire nodded their heads in agreement, me included.

Every two weeks me and boys go camping around the woods, tell stories to one another's and talk about what we would do if we find our mates. There are times when dad comes with us and read and tells us general things about mates. It's like our group therapy.

I'm alpha's son and unbelievably, I still haven't found my mate. How come I'm 21 and I'm still single? Every wolf that I know, apart from wolves younger than me, have found their mates. Besides, my dad is worried, he is always stressing himself about it. But he tries to never stress me out, the book says if you stress out about finding your mate, or going on a search trying to find her, it may take longer than the suppose.

You can't chose the moment, the moment chooses you.

But my concern is that, until I find my mate I can't be a Alpha and my dad wants me to be the Alpha as fast as possible. I'm stronger and younger than him, he says. He says it's better for the pack if they have a young leader like me on the command.

On the other hand, I just want to feel loved. It's not even about being a chief or anything. Every normal person has a second half that, but I can't fall in love for other person but my mate. I just want to have the flutter in my heart when I wake up next to the girl that was meant to be with me. I really want to meet her. I really do.

Today's talk was about what we would do if we found our mate.

"What about you Fredo?" Ryan questioned. Alfredo looked down and chuckled. It happens when he is about to get cheesy. "Well..When I find my beautiful mate I will take her to a nice restaurant, we're going to have dinner together and then I will show her the beach. We come back home and boom, I fuck the living day lights out of her." He smiled proudly and the guys chuckled. Yeah that's Alfredo being cheesy. Horny ass dog.

"Justin it's your turn man," Za said and everyone looked at me, waiting for my response. I placed my elbows on top of my knees and took a deep breath. Here goes nothing.

"If I eventually find my mate I will wake her up everyday with kisses and maybe some breakfast. I will hug her from behind while we cook dinner together and I will tell her how much I love her. I will protect her with my life if necessary and I won't permit lack of respect towards her. I will make her my Queen. My pack is her pack and whatever she says goes. I don't care how many days, months or even years I need to wait for her. If I meet her one day before I die, I will die the happiest man on Earth."

Silence consumed the field we were in but not my ears. I heard another wolf's thoughts only a mile away from me. I didn't recognised the scent as I sniffed the air. Someone I don't know is in my territory and guess what?

I dont like uninvited guests.

"Boys line up." As soon as those words left my mouth, every single one of them was bow standing up, still, waiting for my commands. My dad might not be here, but whenever he is not, I take the lead. When he is not around I'm the leader over here.

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