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Last Updated: 2 February 2020

Well, here we are again...
It's always such a pleasure...
Remember when you tried to kill me twice?

Hey guys! :D

I just finished reading a few Beyond Birthday one-shots, and I thought I'd write my own! ;)

[13th March 2014]


Date: Unknown

Time: 22.38pm

Location: A secluded woodland in Winchester, England

"The human mind is a fragile thing. Few - in fact, very few people can bear to watch an event as horrifying as that. But you -"

The mysterious figure crouched down beside his nervous, yet eager apprentice. Half-listening to the whimsical sound of the crickets, he ruffled her already wild, jet-black hair, trying to provoke a reaction.

"- you just watch on like you're observing a new species of butterfly." He had an amused, lopsided grin on his pale face, with red splotches all over it. This made him look slightly crazed, much to her annoyance.

"Why, thank you, mentor," she smiled sarcastically, flicking hair out of her vivid violet eyes, "But I can assure you that the event that was 'oh so horrifying', did not scare me at all. Needless to say that happens quite often with experienced girls like me."

Just to piss her off, he gave her an even wider grin.

"And cut out that smile, Beyond! It's creepy!" she yelled in her British-accented voice.

"Danuta, Danuta, Danuta..." Beyond positioned himself behind the roaring campfire they had set up a few minutes earlier. He then dramatically lowered his head towards his chest, gazing up with his enticing, crimson-red eyes for effect. Slowly, he raised and held his pale hands in a crooked gesture that looked very much...disturbing.

Danuta pawed irritably at a low-hanging branch, whilst watching the enchanting flames dance confidently in the peaceful night gloom. "Really?"

"Oh, that was only a warm up...the real surprise is here...!"

"Which would be...?"


....kya ha ha ha ha!"

(A/N: Why do I always lol when I see that in a story? xD)

It was a harsh, cruel laugh, carrying for miles throughout the eerie night. Beyond had only devised it a few days ago, but he liked it. A lot. ...He wasn't sure Danuta agreed though.

"B, that Shinigami laugh is totally overrated. Hehehe." Danuta crowed, smiling, but she loved his newly-founded laugh nevertheless. She thought it made him sound creepy, yet awesome at the same time too.

Unfortunately, Beyond was quite sensitive about his personal achievements and ideas at this moment in time. This meant he didn't take insults lightly...As Danuta was about to find out now.

"Are you mocking me?!" Beyond growled angrily. He instinctively grabbed the sharp knife beside him that he had been using a while ago...for other purposes...

...Really he had just been using it to eat a jar of strawberry jam. (A/N: I got you there, didn't I? XP)

Danuta let out a surprised "Mrrow!" and scampered away fearfully. Moments like this had happened before, and she knew exactly what to do:


...Only Danuta didn't run...

...because she was mouse-brained enough to stay...

...Big mistake.

Beyond yelled at her furiously, clenching his fist to relieve a slice of the rage building up inside of him.

"Heeeeerrreee's BB!" She laughed nervously, trying to cover up her true emotions. Before she could react, a knife was at her throat, just millimeters away from slitting it clean.

"Er...B? Would you mind if you like...moved that thing away from my face? Personal space? Hint hint?"

Cold, red eyes bored into her narrowed, violet ones. "No."

"No?" She could feel his hot breath on her face, causing her to turn her head slightly.

"You heard me. No." He edged the knife ever so slightly towards her.

"But-" Freezing in position, Danuta barely moved.


Suddenly, she thought of something that could be her saving grace.

"...You sound exactly like the time when I asked you if I could have some of your jam at 3am last Saturday."

(A/N: She has her =3 face on. XD)

Beyond sighed and slowly retracted the knife away from Danuta's throat, softening his grip into an unexpected hug.

"You know just what to say to save yourself in the most dire situations, don't you? You cheeky baka."

They both gazed at each other for a minute or two, and, with an amused laugh, Danuta replied:

"Yes. Yes I do."


A/N: Not the best, as re-reading it years later a few things seem wrong with their relationship to put it lightly. I was trying to portray that subtly but it feels like I was trying to pass it off too humourously...

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