Last Tuesday Night

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Last Updated: 2 February 2020

A/N: More random happenings with everybody's favourite Strawberry Jam jar.

Still can't believe this guy eats strawberry jam with his hands...


Danuta sat facing opposite Beyond, leaning on a secluded table, outside of her favourite restaurant. It was four nights after her birthday, and Beyond had invited her out for a "chat"...suspiciously.

"Okay..." Beyond started, trying to suppress a chuckle, "...Do you know what I was this morning?"

"I have no idea," Danuta admitted, bracing for the worst.

"Nothing other than... a CEREAL killer! Get it?!" He hooted with laughter, causing many, many heads to turn and stare.

"Kya! Got you there!" he grinned childishly, whilst Danuta rolled her eyes, exasperated.

Another one of Beyond's lame jokes.

"Yeah, of COURSE I saw that coming," she said, sarcasm as obvious as hell in her voice.

"What?! I think that CEREAL killers are funny!"

"Well, that's 'cause you ARE a cereal killer.

"Correction. A SOCIOPATHIC cereal killer."


"Like Excalibur?"

"Psssh... whatever."

"I got you agaaaaiiinnn~"

"You just HAVE to rub it in, don't you?"

"Yes. Yes I- OH MY!"

"Uh... what?"

"Last Tuesday Night by The Karma Killers!" Beyond started to wave one hand excitedly towards the karaoke machine inside.

"What about it?!" She was slightly amused, but indefinitely confused.

"It's up next, just waiting for volunteers to sing it! And it can be a duet too!"

Danuta's violet eyes widened, "Wait... you don't mean...?"

"Yup!" Beyond almost literally dragged Danuta by her hand, and eagerly raced towards the platform. He snatched up a microphone and thrust it in her hand before she could react.

"Uh... I don't sing-"

"-in front of a crowd, you don't," he interrupted, "But these are people you don't know, so it doesn't matter if you mess up."

Danuta had no choice but to agree, as the music had already started. Beyond smirked at her and advised, "My lyrics are blue, yours are pink, and a duet is white. You know how these things work, right?"

Danuta nodded her head timidly, suddenly shy at all of the stares she was getting.

Another smirk. "Then let the games begin."

As Beyond sang the opening verse, the entire restaurant was hushed into an awe-inspired silence:

"Bright night and we chase the moon searching for adventure,


Our feet gracing mountain tops skipping cross horizons,

Silhouetted against the stars.

I've tried so hard,

I'm searching through layers and trying to make out the words,

Delicate designs distracting me from what I'm trying to find,

A melody so sweet, from out the the walls it creeps to my ears,

Such a sound I have long awaited to hear."

He signalled to Danuta, but she was already underway, having heard the song before:

"We breathe, making little clouds, smiling through the dark and cold.

As the wind breaks we shatter to the sky,

It's bad enough being under control,

Same thing every day.

Then at night,

There's a place we can go,

Where nothing can stand in our way."

A lavender pink represented that it was still Danuta's turn, and a few people were starting to mutter amongst themselves...

"It's now or never.

Get out of the way.

Last Tuesday night I got up and I saw a bear,

But it was all in my imagination.

Last Tuesday night was a scary night.

Last Tuesday night was a fun night.

We went to Wrights,

We went ice skating,

We went to the funfair,

But after that we got so scared of the darkness,

Last Tuesday night was a busy scary night."

The bug-eyed audience was intent on Beyond, as he took the lead at the next part. He sang it with a certain... emotion entwined within it.

"When the shadows come,

Might be no moon at all.

You can never tell,

When you're under the spell,

The night is all that we need.

I sure do miss the smell of black coffee in the morning,

The sound of water splashing all over the bathroom,

The kiss that I would give you, even though you were sleeping,

But I kind of like the feel of this extra few feet in my bed."

This sent countless astonished (including a certain someone's) eyes blinking, just the large monitor blinked pink lyrics...

"Telephone's ringing, but I don't answer it,

'Cause everybody knows that good news always sleeps 'till noon."

Blue lyrics, with a hint of... wist?


I start to dial your number,

Then I remember, so I reach for something to smoke.

And anyways, I'd rather listen to Coltrane,

Than go through all that shit again,

There's something about an afternoon spent doing nothing."

Pink lyrics...

"Funny, I'd never noticed,

The sound the streetcars make as they pass my window,

Which reminds me that I forgot to close the blind again.

Yeah, sure, I'll admit there are times when I miss you,

Especially like now when I need someone to hold me.

But there are some things that can never be forgiven,

And I just gotta tell you..."

Suddenly, an unexpected white flashed in the final few seconds of the short karaoke, startling both parties.

"... That I kinda like this extra few feet in my bed..."


Hopefully you can read inbetween the lines of that song, and piece it together like a puzzle ...or a riddle.


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