Chapter 4

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Gabriel pov


Gabriel walked outside and looked for the nameless wonder. He saw her under the plum tree and started walking toward her. She looked behind her, stole a quick glance at Gabriel and went back to eating her lunch. Gabriel stopped, he didn’t know what he would say; he couldn’t just walk up to her and be like, “ Wanna’ be  my girlfriend?”, he had to get to know her. He could invite her to his back-to-school party on the Saturday. Dang, he was good-looking, and smart. 😜 He walked over to her just as she looked up.

“Um, h-hi, do y-you w-w-want to come t-to my p-party Saturday?” What was wrong with him! He never stuttered that badly in front of someone before. His speech therapist said he would only stutter if he got nervous. Was he nervous? He didn’t know. He didn’t know a lot anymore.

“Hmmm, let me see, It’s funny cuz’ I have this thing about not going to strangers houses’ over the weekend” She grinned as she gave him a dose of her feistiness.

“S-sorry, my name’s-”

“Gabriel!! Get your stupid ass away from her! She’s the one that dropped food on my dress!” Michelle shrilled.

“Hehe, looks like I know you now Gabriel” she smiled. He could tell through the creases on her forehead that she was mad. Mad about what? Before he could ponder another scream pierced the schoolyard.

“G-A-B-R-I-E-L!! I. Said. To. Get. Away. From. Her!!” Michelle yelled to Gabriel like he was a kindergartener. He could tell the girl was about to blow her top. Just as he was about to go to Michelle, he remembered…

“Hey, what’s your name?”

“Alex” she smiled but her lips formed tight lines as they pressed together.

“See you later!” Gabriel ran to Michelle and literally pushed her through the door. He ran to his locker and went to his next period ten minutes early and sat down. His teacher raised her eyebrows yet said nothing. He thought back to the brown-eyed wonder. Maybe today wouldn’t so boring after all. 😍

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