chapter 13

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Alex P.O.V

I immediatley shot up as Iggy's face went from pure shock to complete anger. I was scared because I didnt know whether he was mad at me, or at Gabriel, or both of us. 

         "Iggy what are you doing here?"

         "May i ask what you are doing here? I thought you were going for a study session, not a make-out one. And, i called you like 10 times and you still didn't pick up."

         "It's none of your business what she does. She can make her own choices without your help." Gabriel snarled at Iggy.

          "And who said you could?" Iggy and Gabriel were both face-to-face now with anger evident on their faces.

           "Guys..." I was getting mad. God. They couldn't just talk about me like I wasnt here! 

         "You better leave her alone because she's mine." Gabriel yelled.

       "I beg to disagree your highness" Iggy spat.

       "Guys, could you just listen to me" I was ready to cry. See, I cry when I'm mad, and when I'm sad, i just shut down and don't talk.

    "Sorry Alex, leave this to the men in the room. Oh wait the other one hasn't shown up yet." Gabriel sneered.

   "Its not like there already is a man in the room." Iggy shot back.

"GUYS SHUT THE F*** UP AND LISTEN TO ME ALREADY OK? I can take care of my life and I don't need any of you guys trying to explain what I feel because you guys don't understand my feelings in the first place. Why can't you just get along? All I want is the two most important guys in my life to get along! Is that so hard?" I was crying really hard and screaming so loud my voice was already raw.

"Alex, baby, I'm really sorry okay? I didn't mean it. I'm really sorry. Just forgive me and I'll push this ducheba-" Gabriel was now hugging me.

But I was furious and din't want him touching me, "LEAVE ME AONE. WHAT MAKES YOU THINK THAT IGGY'S A DUCHEBAG? HUH? DEFINITLEY NOT YOU BECAUSE YOU'RE ONE TOO OKAY? IGGY IS MY BEST FRIEND SO DON"T YOU DARE LAY A FINGER ON HIM. HE UNDERSTANDS ME BETTER THAN YOU DO. SO, IF I WERE YOU I WOULD JUST BACK OFF!!!!" Iggy was now smirking at GAbriel which pissed me off again because he did some stuff too.

"IGGY? WTF DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING? WHAT GIVES YOU THE RIGHT TO BE SMILING AT HIM?" the guilt on his face then completely washed over me.

"Listen, Iggy, I'm sorry I yelled at you ok? I know you meant well for me. But, in the future, just try to let me take care of myself. You're my best friend, and no one could ever replace you. I love you no matter what. Kay?"

"I love you too Alex, and I'm sorry I let my feelings take over me. I guess I-"

"Wait, did you just say feelings?"

"Uh ya, why?"

"You had feelings for me Iggy?"

"You didn't know? I thought I made it pretty obvious."

"Ya way too obvious for my liking?" Gabriel snorted.

"You know what Gabriel, you need to cool off ok? Me and Iggy are leaving to sort this out while you get to cool off ok? Because you OBVIOUSLY need to take a chill pill." he looked shocked at what I said so I took the moment to tale Iggy outside to my car.

"Alex, wait! Please!" Gabriel came running outside.

"Sorry, but I need to talk about this with Iggy in private." and with that, I sped off.

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