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Snowdapple: HAPPY EASTER!!

Everyone but Snowdapple, Skyfur, Bearclaw, and Starshine: What's Easter?

Bearclaw: Easter is the most important and oldest festival of the Christian Church, celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ and held (in the Western Church) between March 21 and April 25, on the first Sunday after the first full moon following the northern spring equinox.

Starshine: Easter is also the period in which Easter occurs, especially the weekend from Good Friday to Easter Monday.

Skyfur: Bearclaw's description makes a little more sense

Starshine: Oh


Sandstorm: How? and why?

Starshine: We can go ask Fiercekitty for some magic

Random cat: THE FOURTH WALL!!!


Fourth wall: ;~;

Skyfur: Anyway! We dye eggs for decoration! Twolegs also buy plastic eggs that you can open and close, they put stuff inside the plastic eggs, which is usually candy or money. Then the kids go and find the plastic eggs!

Dustpelt: what's the purpose of this?

Bearclaw: I already explained that!

Dustpelt: When?

Bearclaw: Earlier in this chapter! Pay attention! *smacks Dustpelt with a ruler*

Dustpelt! Ow!

Starshine: anyway, let's go!

*the four OCs leave the camp and go to a mysterious cave*

Starshine: Fiercekitty!

Fierce: WHAT

Bearclaw: We need magic!

Fierce: why?

Snowdapple: so we can dye eggs!

Skyfur: for Easter!

Fierce: but Easter has already passed....

Snowdapple: WHATEVER

Bearclaw: but magic!!

Fierce: If y'all came to me on Easter....

Skyfur: Well, YOU are the one writing this!

Starshine: and YOU started this on Easter! Yet you didn't finish it and now it's been almost two weeks!

Fierce: Fine! take le magic and go do Easter, but bring the magic back later

Bearclaw: Ok!

*the four cats go back to camp with the magic*

Snowdapple: WE'RE BACK

Sandstorm: *sigh*

Skyfur: Don't sigh!

Starshine: Let's begin Easter!

*the cats dye all the eggs and then hide them. next they lead every kit out of camp to go egg hunting*

Starshine: Ok, kits! there are a lot of eggs hidden around each Clan territory!

Bearclaw: are you sure we should be doing this?

Starshine: Of course! The kits will LOVE it

Snowdapple: ok kits! whoever brings back the most eggs by sundown wins!

Skyfur: and since it's sunrise, you will have all day!

Starshine: so, take a basket to put your eggs in, and on the count of three, you can start searching!

*the kits all grab a basket*

Bearcaw: 1! 2! 3!

*all the kits race off*

*at sundown Mosskit and Snowkit bring back 40,000 eggs*

Starshine: Well, looks like we have a winner!

all kits but Mosskit and Snowkit: AWW

Mosskit and Snowkit: YAY

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