Exams week-random topic stuff thing i dont know

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Snow: so I realized that this is becoming like and update thing, but that's fine! It means this gets updated when I run out of ideas! Anyway, it's now Thursday aka my last day of the semester! I've had exams this week, how bout you guys?
Snow: I was sick Tuesday ( I BLAME LITTLE CAESARS [howeveryouspellit] ) and missed my exam presentation in art and my exam in math
Snow: but I finished the math exam
Snow: but my art presentation was a group thing so I was basically kicked out of my group
Snow: we did a restraunt Wars thing where each person in the group made a dish
Snow: my original group's restaurant was called ' Guilty Pleasers ' and our theme was deserts
Snow: our original theme was around the world, but we had too many American and Italian dishes, so we went with deserts
Snow: I did Kinky Eton Mess, an Irish desert ( I was determined to do something Irish, OK?)
Snow: but since I was sick I got moved to the only group that hadn't presented, and their theme was around the world, and they didn't have an Irish dish so I fit in, even if I was a random fancy desert
Snow: anyway! When I get back from my break I have an audition for an orchestra thing the first Thursday back, hah I'm gonna fail :) my friend, who's the best cellist in the entire school, is going to make first, while I, a random 6th chair cellist in honor Orchestra, shall fail and not even get last chair
Snow: ANYWAY, how was yalls exams? Y'all got anything coming up that is stressing you out? Or something you know you'll fail but will still try?

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